Chapter 30: Battle of Vale Pt.2

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(A/N: Hello chads, Drinking some Tea in the morning. Or right? Gives us you're country!)


(World War II Opening Scene)


Location: UMF Occupation Vale

3rd Person Pov

The battle was still ain't over, Vale was on flames as the Atlas Airships are destroyed and Bullheads crashed into buildings.

UMF Army able to take down atleast of Airships and Bullheads. But Atlas ain't done without a fight, They still have hundreds of them. Including Huntress and Huntsman. However, They're were all killed or injured in the battle.

Anywhere, The UMF Tanks and the rest of the troops able to eliminate the Atlas forces. Kaone was one of them and he was able to gather the rest of his soldiers.

Kaone: *Though* Fucking hell, This guys ain't giving up.

However, He saw an abandone Paladin in streets. Meaning the Atlas Pilot Abandoned it. Kaone order a soldier to pilot it to see if it works.

Meanwhile in Beacon Academy

The scene shown the Beacon Academy as we see Anna and the rest of the Wehrmacht Soldiers in the halls.

Anna: *German* Sie sagen, dass es sich um eine Untergrundbasis unter der Akademie handelte. [You're saying that they're was an Underground base under the academy.]

Wehrmacht Soldier 1: *German* Ja, Ma'am. Es war ein unterirdischer Keller unter der Akademie. Es war ziemlich überraschend, aber wir wissen nicht, was drin ist. [Yes ma'am, They was an underground basement under the academy. It was pretty surprising, But we don't know what's inside.]

Wehrmacht Soldier 2: *German* Was sollen wir tun? [What shall we do?]

Anna: *German* Ich kümmere mich darum. Ich möchte wissen, wo ist der Eingang zum Keller? [I'll take care of it. I want to where's the entrance of the basement is?]

Wehrmacht Soldier 3: *German* Vom Leuchtturmturm aus gab es einen Aufzug. Du kannst dort hingehen. [There was a elevator from the beacon tower. You can go there.]

Anna: *German* Danke schön. [Thank you.]

She order them to leave. After they left, Anna decided to head to the elevator, However, When she heads their. She saw Ozpin and The red head girl with him. Anna hides behind the wall as she decided to not to be seen.

Anna: *German* Was versteckst du, Oz? [What are you hiding oz?]

But, A black hair girl with a red dress blow up the elevator door and went inside.

Anna: *German* ....... Ich schätze, ich bin jetzt an der Reihe. [....... I guess it's my turn now.]

As anna ran towards the elevator, She jumps inside to face a new enemy.

As anna ran towards the elevator, She jumps inside to face a new enemy

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