Chapter 9: The Invasion of Vacuo Pt.2

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(Battlefield 1942 Intro)

(RWBY Volume 1 Intro)


Location: Vale-Vacuo Border

3rd Person Pov

The scene shown kaone mothome, Alongside Anna standing infront of the Vale-Vacuo border wall. However, For some reason, He saw the border wall destroyed or haven't rebuild in years.

Kaone: *German* Es sieht so aus, als wäre der Rand beschädigt oder nicht repariert. [Looks like the border seen to be damage or unrepaired.]

Anna: *German* Ja, es ist der Kommandant. Aber wo sind die Wachen oder Jäger und Jägerinnen, die die Grenze beschützen? [Yes it is commander, But where are the guards or huntsman & huntress protecting the border?]

Kaone looks around the border to see it was empty. He thinks it must been grimms, bandits or other group of bad people trying to break the border. Kaone couldn't help but smile that no one was guarding the border, Making much easily for invasion.

Kaone: *German* Befehlen Sie den Soldaten, die Grenze zu durchbrechen. Ich glaube, niemand hat die Grenze bewacht. [Order the soldiers to break through the border, I think no one was guarding the border.]

Anna: *Nodded* *German* Natürlich Kommandant. [Of course commander.]

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And Back to the story

With the border unguarded, The Mothome Forces cross it and took over small parts of vacuo territory. They're next stop will be capture two cities, Vantu and Kevir.


This will been easy than done

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This will been easy than done.

Day 2

The Mothome Forces captures some towns and villages. Fortunately they're were no resistance in the area. However, They're were bandits ambushed on the mothome convoys. But easily defeated them without a sweat.

Day 3

The Mothome forces capture the city of vantu. They're were no atlas and resistance in the city, But the white fang who are in the city attack them, But failed due to overpower weapons.

Day 4

The Mothome Force took over much of the towns and villages. The kevir was now open for the invasion. With fully supplies from abandone dust mines.


Location: The Mothome Occupied Vantu, Mothome HQ.

3rd Person Pov

Kaone: *Drinking Tea* *German* Ich mag den guten Tee am Morgen. [I like the good tea in the morning.]

He begins drinking his beloving tea, While anna sleep on his shoulder. Kaone smile while patting her head, Which mades her happy.

Kaone: *German* Schlaf gut Anna, morgen werden die Mottenkräfte den Kefir übernehmen. [Sleep well Anna, Tomorrow the mothome forces will took over kefir.]

To Be Continue


Next Chapter 10: The Invasion of Vacuo Pt.3


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