Chapter 28: Vytal Festival Pt.2

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(A/N: You guys enjoyed your snow. In my country, No snow :(!! So, Back to the chapter)

(WW2 Opening Scene)


Location: UMF Occupation Vale.

3rd Person Pov

The scene shown the city of vale..... In flames. Building are destroyed Paladins and Tanks were obliterated, Grimms are swarming the city. However, The Jet fighters and bombers are still fighting in the sky and the Paratroopers are seen above.

However, The Worse will come....... But, Different....

2 Hours Earlier

The scene shown Kaone and Anna watching the Arena. As we see Blonde girl and the Sliver Hair guy fighting each other. Fortunately, The blonde girl won the battle. But unfortunately, The White Hair guy gets up and tried a flying kick. But yang block it and punch him back. However, The Soviets and the Americans Soldiers surround her telling the blonde girl to surrender immediately. The Audiences were shock to see the blonde girl did this. However, Kaone. Felt dizzy and he has a nose bleed, While Saw this and pick kaone up and drag him outside.


Outside, We see Anna and Kaone leaving the arena stage.

Kaone: *German* Scheiße, mein Kopf. [Fuck, My head.]

Anna: *German* Was ist falsch? [What's wrong?]

Kaone: *German* Das tue ich nicht. Mir wurde schwindelig und meine Nase begann zu bluten. Aber... ich habe etwas gesehen. [I don't do. I felt dizzy and my nose started to bleed. But...... I saw something.]

Anna: *German* Sah was? [Saw what?]

Kaone: *German* Der Typ mit den weißen Haaren versuchte, den Blonden anzugreifen. Aber sie schlägt es weg. Aber ich sehe, dass du und die Leute denken, sie hätte es getan. [The White Hair guy, He tried to attack the blonde one. But she punch it away. But I see you and the people think she did it.]

Anna: *German* Ja, das haben wir. Aber warum hast du das gedacht? Glaubst du, dass es der Typ mit den weißen Haaren war? [Yes we did. But why did you think that? You think the white hair guy did it?]

Kaone: *German* Ich denke schon, aber ich glaube, dass jemand diese Anspielung benutzt, um uns zu blenden. Aber ich weiß nicht, wer und warum? [I think so, But I think someone using the allusion to blind us. But I don't who and why?]

Anna: *German* Hast du gedacht, dass jemand versucht hat, dem blonden Mädchen die Schuld zu geben? [did you think someone trying to blame the blonde girl?]

Kaone: *German* Wer auch immer es getan hat, wollte vielleicht der Person die Schuld geben und dafür sorgen, dass sie es getan hat. Ich weiß nicht, wer? Aber wir müssen die Soldaten in der Stadt und der Akademie alarmieren. Ich sollte den Marshall Law auf der Straße ausrufen und die Täter finden. [Whoever did it might wanted to blame the person and making thing she did it. I don't know who? But we need to alert the soldiers in the city and the academy. I should declared marshall law in the streets and find the perpetrators.]

Anna: *German* Natürlich, aber sollten wir Wrin darüber informieren? [Of course, But Should we informed Wrin about this.]

Kaone: *German* Ja, ich habe ein schlechtes Gefühl dabei. [Yes, I have a bad feeling about this.]


The scene shown the UMF Military Base in the dock after taking it from the White Fang. Tiger II and M4 Sherman were all park in the same time. Wrin, Order her soldiers to take any supplies, Until a US Soldier came to her.

US Soldier: Ma'am, The Leader order the complete marshell law in the city.

Wrin: Marshell law~? I guess the fuhrer wanted a full control of the city. Very well, Order them to patrolled the city. I'm heading to beacon to see the fuhrer.


The scene shown kaone walking in halls, He's still processing what happen after someone using the
Illusions in the arena. But he doesn't know who or why? But he needs to find out. However-

???: They're here.

Kaone: *Confused* Huh? Who's here?


The hall started to shake and kaone was alarm about this. Look out of the window and saw the city on fire.

Kaone: Oh shit.

The battle of Vale has begun.

To Be Continue


Next Chapter: Battle of Vale



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