Chapter 13: The United Mothome Federation

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(Battlefield 1942 Intro)

(RWBY Intro)


Location: Mothome Territory.

Kaone Pov

After the defeat in vacuo, Me and Anna decided to head to my occupied territory in vale. The Republic of Vacuo have given us some of their territories and resources for the invasion. But I need to established a strong and independent nation for my own country. Even since I was transportation to this new world, I could summon WW2 military army. But I can't summon cold war era because I didn't surpassed 1945 yet. And we couldn't developed the atomic bomb. But we did create a jet engines and secret weapons from WW2.

(A/N: Remember Battlefield 1942: Secret Weapons of WW2 & Forgotten Hope Mod? Yeah, You're already know bruhs >:/)

Fortunately, I can't tell everyone except Anna and my army. But I do have an idea and call for anna to tell the idea.


Location: Mothome Territory, The Bunker.

3rd Person Pov

Anna: *German* Warum hast du mich Kommandant genannt? Ist etwas wichtig? [Why did you call me commander? Is something important?]

Kaone: *German* Nein, aber ich wollte dich anrufen, um der Mothome-Armee zu helfen. [No, But I did wanted call you that will surprise help the mothome army.]

Anna: *German* Okay, was ist das? [Okay, What is it?]

Kaone: *German* Ich und du werden eine Nation im Mothome-Territorium gründen. [Me and you are gonna created a nation in the mothome territory.]

Anna: *Surprised* *German* Komm wieder? [Come again?]

Kaone: *German* Denk darüber nach. Die Welt hat gesehen, dass wir das Königreich des Vakuums besiegt haben. Was wäre, wenn wir unsere neue Nation gründen und dazu beitragen würden, den Überresten Freiheit und Gleichheit zu bringen? Rassismus und Diskriminierung werden aus der Geschichte getilgt und die neue Ordnung wird der Welt im Kampf gegen das korrupte System helfen. [Think about it. The world did see we defeated the kingdom of vacuo. So what if we created our new nation and help to bring freedom and equality around remnant. Racist and discrimination will be erased from history and the new order will help the world against the corrupt system.]

Anna: *German* Du wolltest aus Überresten eine neue Nation gründen? [You wanted create a new nation on remnant?]

Kaone: *Smile* *German* Ja, aber ich werde die Nation „The United Mothome Federation“ nennen. Was denkst du, Anna? [Yes, But I'll call the nation "The United Mothome Federation". What do you think anna?]

Anna: *Smile* *German* Vereinigte Mothome-Föderation? Ich mag es. [United Mothome Federation? I like that.]

Kaone: *German* Gut, lasst uns der Welt unsere neue Nation offenbaren. [Good, Let's reveal the world our new nation.]

Anna nodded the idea.

To Be Continue


Next Chapter 14: The New order & Reaction.


(A/N: I edit it, So yeah. Not big suprised)


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