Chapter 38: The Invasion of Atlas begins Pt.3

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{Battlefield 1942 Opening}


Location: Kingdom of Atlas, Mantle.

3rd Person Pov

As the UMF Forces is getting closer of winning. Atlas needed to defend their homeland, But due to their failed attempts. The UMF is almost taking the city.

Kaone was very pleased that his military might can win and make atlas surrender. Though, The UMF Progress is slower as they're did not fully takes solitas. But the Capital is there target.

Atlas Manpower is low, While the UMF Manpower is Higher than ever. With there new allies from the otherside of the world. The Atlas is now in deep trouble. Atlas draft alot of civilians to fight against the invaders. Either the young or old in there ranks, As General Zun used them as cannon folder.


Location: Kingdom of Atlas, UMF H.Q.

3rd Person Pov

The Scene shown Kaone and Anna in the UMF Command Center.

Anna: *German* Ehemann, wir konnten aus Atlas genügend Fläche in Solitas mitnehmen. Aber ich habe gehört, dass Atlas viele Zivilisten in seinen Dienstgrad einzieht. [Husband, We were able to take enough area in solitas from atlas. But, I heard that Atlas is drafting a lot of civilians in their rank.]

Kaone: *German* Verdammt, warum hat Atlas in diesem Krieg Zivilisten eingesetzt? Wir schicken ihnen bereits Papiere zur Kapitulation! Jetzt kämpfen wir gegen die Leute von Atlas!!?? [Fucking hell, Why did atlas use civilians in this war. We already send papers at them to surrender! Now we are fighting the people of atlas!!??]

Anna: *German* Das ist noch nicht alles, ich habe gehört, dass dort neue Waffen entwickelt wurden, um uns zu bekämpfen. Ich habe im Atlas Gerüchte gehört, dass es eine neue Technologie gibt, die die Grenzen des Krieges in Überreste verwandeln könnte. [That's not all, I heard there creating there new weapons to fight us. I heard rumors among the atlas that there was a new technology that could turn the tied of war in remnant.]

Kaone: *German* Hmmm, wir sollten Spione schicken, um mehr über diese Technologie zu erfahren. Außerdem werde ich drei Soldaten schicken, um die Schnee-Familie in ihrem Herrenhaus zu entführen. [Hmmm, We should send spies to know about this tech. Also, I'll send three soldiers to kidnapped the schnee family in there mansion.]


Location: Lab.

3rd Person Pov

Pietro: That General Zun wanted to turn my daughter into weapon!? That's madness!!

Winter: Yes, But that's not all. I heard they're making a copy of them to defeat the United Mothome Federation.

Pietro: I heard about them since they're invade Vacuo and Vale. But I never knew about there leader named Kaone Mothome.

Winter: Maybe, We ask him for help since he's might been reasonable.

Penny: Father, What's going on?

Pietro: Penny, I think we should leave and head to the enemy territory.

Penny: Why?

Pietro: We are meeting with their leader.

{To Be Continue}


Next Chapter: The Invasion of Atlas begins Pt.4

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