Chapter 27: Vytal festival Pt.1

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Anime Opening

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Anime Opening


Location: Vale, Beacon Academy.

3rd Person Pov

The scene showns the city of vale (Still occupied by UMF LoL) and the UMF Army. The Civilian were preparing the Vystal Festival after the UMF Leader allowed them to do it. However, The UMF Military will keep an eye out and patrol the city and the festival.

Kaone and Anna arrived in the festival to see for their self. Though, Anna still pregnant so she decided to hide it from the public.

Anna: *German* Sieht so aus, als wäre das Vytal-Festival da. Was hast du gedacht, mein Anführer? [Looks like the vytal festival is here. What did you think my leader.]

Kaone: *German* Großartig, aber wir müssen unsere Verteidigung im Falle überraschender Angriffe auf Vale verstärken. [Great, But we need to increase our defenses in case of surprise attacks on vale.]

Anna: *German* Ja, aber keine Sorge. Wrin wird sich darum kümmern. [Yes, But don't worry. Wrin will take care of it.]

Kaone: *German* Oh, in Ordnung. [Oh okay.]

However, He remember something.

Kaone: *German* Oh übrigens. Fühlt sich Wrin in letzter Zeit krank? [Oh, By the way. Is Wrin feeling sick lately?]

Anna: *German* *Confused* Hä? Warum? [Huh? Why?]

Kaone: *German* Wenn ich mich recht erinnere, habe ich dich geschwängert und... Wrin? [If I remember right, I did impregnate you and...... Wrin?]

Anna widen her eyes and realised that she and wrin did have fun at the dorm. This made Anna concern about Wrin Health and the ability to have children. Meaning kaone will have to marry her and wrin.

Anna: *German* *Shock* Oh..... Oh mein Gott. Bedeutet das, dass du Wrin heiraten wirst? [Oh..... Oh my. Is that mean that you're going to marry wrin.]

Kaone: *German* *Shrugged* Ich-ich denke schon. Aber lasst uns weitermachen. Sie wird vorbeikommen und es später erzählen. Außerdem..... Wenn du damit einverstanden bist. [I-I guess so. But let's move forward. She'll come around and tell later. Besides..... If you ok with it.]

This surprised anna, Of course. He didn't mean it to marry two girls, But she knows he will take care of it.

Anna: *German* Nun, okay. Vielleicht wird uns Wrin danach erzählen. [Well, Okay. Maybe wrin will tell us after this.]

Kaone: *German* Auch gut. Auf geht's zum Turnier. Ich möchte die Schüler kämpfen sehen. [Good, Also. Let's head to the tournament. I wanna see the students fight.]

Anna: *German* Natürlich. [Of Course]


Location: 5 Miles Away from Vale.

3rd Person Pov

The scene shown A fleet of atlas flying towards the UMF Occupied Vale. Inside the control deck. We see a middle age Atlas commander in charges of the invasion.

Atlas Commander: Listen up! This United Mothome Federation is a threat to atlas and the world! We must destroyed the UMF and bring the leader to his knees.

One of the Atlas soldier arrived with important.

Atlas Soldier: Sir, The Troops will been landing few hours.

Atlas Commander: Good, UMF will fear our might. And no one will get in our way.

To Be Continue


Next Chapter 29: Vytal Festival Pt.2

Theme Song

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