2- Enemy

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Everybody wants to be my enemy
- Imagine Dragons


Bahreïn GP 2022

Charles Leclerc

That's it.

The 2022 Formula One season finally begins.

I will be able to erase my miserable result of the 2021 season and fight for the title of world champion.

I know my contract with Ferrari is far from over but if I want to secure my seat here I have to deliver the results that a team like Ferrari expects.

I watch the red crowd of people moving around the paddock to make sure everything is in order and ready for the race.

I had missed the hustle and bustle of racing weekends.

Everyone is focused and the only words that come out of the mouths of those around me are instructions or transmissions of information.

I isolate myself in my driver's room while I put on my race suit and the rest of my outfit.

Qualifying will start soon and I will only be satisfied if I am the one who starts first on the grid tomorrow.

Finally ready.

I get into the car and my engineer fastens my seatbelt before helping me get the steering wheel into the car.

"Radio check.

- Loud and clear."

I wait for the engineer to tell me that I can leave the pits and I rush to the racetrack.

I do a few slaloms to warm up the new tires of the car before accelerating fully to try to get the best time.

"Charles, you'll start on pole position tomorrow. Well done.

- What's the order?

- You, Verstappen, Carlos and Pérez."

I haven't been able to get rid of that Verstappen bastard, but at least I'll be in front row tomorrow. I couldn't have done any better.

The battle is going to be tough.

I bring the car back to the stand and congratulate Carlos who leaves P3.

It's just qualifying and the real stakes will be tomorrow during the race but it's nice to see that the team is getting off to a good start.

As usual, I go to the journalists to answer their questions.

"How do you feel about tomorrow's race, Charles?

- My only goal is to get first place tomorrow. Qualifying showed that Ferrari will be looking for victory this year.

- Do you think that's going to be possible with Max Verstappen starting right behind you?

- If he starts behind me, he'll finish behind me.

- Thank you for your answers Charles. Good luck tomorrow."

I nod my head and give the journalist one last smile before I step back.

Good luck.

As if all this was due to luck.

It's Verstappen's turn to be interviewed then Carlos.

We then place ourselves for the usual photo of the three drivers who will start first tomorro .

I'm in the middle, Carlos on my left and Verstappen on my right. I put one arm behind my teammate's back and pretend to do it behind the Redbull driver's back, but I'm careful to keep a few inches between my hand and his back.

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