6- The Hills

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Keep on tryna hide it, but your friends know
- The Weeknd


GP Emilia Romagna 2022

Charles Leclerc

I cross the paddock holding Charlotte's hand.

I try to look as relaxed as possible as the photographers follow us to get the best angles of our arrival.

I throw loving smiles at the woman beside me who answers me with smiles of sweetness.

We're really good actors.

We finally get to the isolated part of the paddock. I let go of Charlotte's hand and speed up the pace to Ferrari's premises.

I meet several drivers whom I greet quickly with nods.

I'm about to enter the building when I see Verstappen.

His gaze is already on us, he glides over Charlotte raising his eyebrows.

I haven't seen him since his accident and I immediately notice the pallor of his skin on his face. I'm not a doctor, but I doubt food poisoning leaves mark two weeks after it happened.

He looks at us and I'm about to ask him what his problem is, but he turns away and goes in the opposite direction.

I'm trying to focus on the gp prep meeting with the team but my mind is elsewhere.

I just can't wait for it to be over.

My manager gives me some tips for interviews but I'm an excellent student and I always say perfectly what I'm asked to say, no more, no less, with a charming smile on my lips.


I know I told Pierre I should stop. But now, I'm P2 in qualifying, behind him. I need a way to destabilize him and I don't really have another way? If I don't do this he's going to rob me of the victory I deserve.

I look at the new packet of strawberry lollipops placed next to me.

I know I shouldn't be doing this. It's stupid, and if I get caught, I'm in big trouble. But he was so angry last time and he fucked up his race. This may work in my favour again.

Anyway, they're just strawberry lollipops.

It can't be that bad. Right?


Max Verstappen

I listen to Christian talk about the weather and the race. Every time they announce rain it worries him.

"It's forecasting rain, Max, so I'm counting on you not to overdrive. "

I nod while keeping my eyes on my phone. He keeps telling me that every time.

"How's your blood sugar?

- It's growing more slowly than usual.

- Will it do for the race?

- It'll have to. I'll take more lollipops.

- Don't faint again, Max. People will start to get suspicious.

- It won't happen, don't worry."

Christian nods and lets me finish getting ready for the race. I sigh as I watch him leave my driver's room.

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