14- Look What You Made Me Do

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I don't trust nobody and nobody trusts me

- Taylor Swift


Charles Leclerc

I don't want to take my lips off his. I want time to stop and that kiss to last forever.

I wish I didn't have to think about it. But the air is starting to run out of my lungs and I have to step back to take a deep breath. My gaze crosses his blue eyes with dilated pupils.

His cheeks have turned slightly pink and his mouth is open for air.

His gaze glides over my lips again and I feel my belly wrinkling pleasantly and a heat spreading throughout my body.

He puts his hand in the hollow of my back and gently pushes me against him.

I feel he's about to say something but I'm so afraid my conscience will call me to order and make me run away if I think too much so I capture his lips with mine to prolong the moment.

I keep a hand on the Dutchman's neck and move my other arm to hug the driver against me.

He puts his hand back on my jaw and I feel his fingers gently brush my skin as our lips connect.

The music is loud but I feel like I hear the Dutchman moaning slightly when I move my hips closer to his without thinking.

He opens his mouth slightly against my lips and I take the opportunity to meet his tongue.

My hand on his neck clings to his hair as our tongues unfold.

Once again, I feel that the air is beginning to run out and I move away from him to breathe.

I meet his gaze as we catch our breath and I feel my belly writhing again with pleasure.

I have never felt such a pleasant and intoxicating feeling with someone else before, just because his eyes have decided to stay in mine.

My eyes glide over his lips again. I'll taste them again, let the feeling of Verstappen's lips be tattooed in my brain.

But the Dutchman puts his hand on my chest with a slight smile.

"Charles... not here, follow me."

The Dutchman walks through the crowd towards the exit and I follow him with a beating heart.

I don't know where he wants to take me or what exactly we're going to do, but either way, I agree, at least my body seems to agree.

We finally manage to leave the room converted into a nightclub and we quickly cross a corridor before taking stairs to the top floor.

I watch the Dutchman pull a key out of a pocket hidden in his suit jacket and rush to open the door.

I then discover a splendid bedroom like the rest of the manor. Verstappen beckons me to come inside, I hesitate for a moment, my brain begins to bring me to my senses.

Kissing in the middle of a crowd at a party is one thing, but locking yourself in a room with him is so much more intimate.

I don't know how far it can get out of hand and I don't know how I'm going to be able to see him in the eyes on the race weekends if we fuck or do something near it.

But his gaze glides over my body and a heat wave runs through me again. I can feel my feet moving in the room under the smile of the Dutchman who closes the door behind us.

He slips his hands under the jacket of my suit, against my shirt and gently pushes me against the wall before joining our lips again.

The feeling of his warm hands on my body, even over my shirt, is simply intoxicating and I release a small groan as he approaches his body to mine and I feel his fingers come stroking my skin over my shirt, at the same time as his tongue in my mouth.

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