23- Be Alright

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You look away from me, and I see there's something you're trying to hide, and I
Reach for your hand but it's cold, you pull away again
And I wonder what's on your mind
And then you say to me you made a dumb mistake
You start to tremble, and your voice begins to break

- Dean Lewis


Charles Leclerc

"He beat up a guy in the paddock before the race started. And not just a few slaps, the guy's in a bad shape."

I feel the blood leaving my face suddenly.


I should have known he was here this weekend and Max was ignoring me because of him. I can't even imagine what he went through.

My hands are starting to shake slightly from the anguish. They can't take Max away. He's innocent. He was just defending himself. I'm sure he has done nothing wrong.

Lady Tina told me it was up to Max to realize Armand was bad for him and tell him to stop. But I never thought it would happen in this much violence.

I need to find a way to see him and talk to him. I want to help him.

"Charles? Are you feeling all right?

Pierre looks at me anxiously.

- I need to see Max.

My best friend frowns.

- It's not possible, you know.

- We'll figure a way out! He'll find a way to talk to me."

I take out my cell phone and call Max several times, who, of course, doesn't answer. Pierre is watching me act completely out of control, trying to convince me to stop, that it's useless.

I ended up leaving him a message on his voicemail.

"Max, it's me, we'll find a way to see you, everything's gonna be okay, nothing's gonna happen to you, I'm here, always."

I wish I could reassure him, tell him everything I have on my heart. I want him to know how I feel about him, but Pierre is next to me and stares at me with a lost look.

"I didn't think you were this close to Max when you told me you were friends.

- I'm doing this for him like I'd do this for you if I had to. I'd do it for all my friends.

My voice is aggressive but I'm irritated by Pierre's silly remarks while Max is in a complicated situation.

- Yeah, but you do realize Max screwed up and he's gonna pay for what he did? It's his fault, he hit a man violently, he has to face the consequences. Friend or not, he's the one to blame here.

- You have no idea what you're talking about! It was self-defense!

I shouldn't get mad at him. Pierre is my friend and he can't know what's going on because I don't want him to know.

- Don't talk to me like that, Charles! I can't understand how you're behaving anymore! Obviously there's something I don't know, am I wrong?

I let go of a sigh, not really knowing what I feel ready to confide in my friend, anyway this is not the time.

- Sorry, and yes, you don't know everything.

- All right. Is Max innocent?

- Yes, that's what I'm telling you.

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