20- That Way

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We say we're friends, but I'm catching you across the room
It makes no sense 'cause we're fighting over what we do
And there's no way that I'll end up being with you
But friends don't look at friends that way

- Tate McRae


Max Verstappen

The first thing that comes to mind when I wake up is the heat.

The heat of his body embraced against mine.

The second piece of information is his warm breathing that regularly runs aground on the back of my neck.

The third is his hands on my stomach and chest holding me against him.

I can't suppress the smile on my face and the butterflies spreading through my stomach when I realize I spent the night with Charles.

I slept with him and he didn't touch me. I slept with someone and we really slept and nothing else.

I put my hands on his, caressing them gently with my fingers.

I feel Charles begin to move and his breathing change, indicating that he is beginning to wake up.

He removes his hand that was on my belly and embraces our fingers before placing both of our hands under my shirt, on my belly again.

I'm not trying to talk, too busy savoring the gentle physical touch we share.

The Monegasque leaves an unexpected kiss on the bottom of my neck, at the collar of my shirt. I close my eyes and a shiver runs through my body as he lays his lips against the skin of my neck, quietly climbing up to my jaw before depositing a soft kiss on my cheek that blushes beneath his lips.

"Hello, you.

- Hey, you. I answer without getting rid of my smile.

- How was your night?

- Probably the best night in years.

I could have lied and just said I had a good night, but in Charles' presence, I just want to be more honest.

- We could spend more nights like this if you liked.

- That sounds perfect to me. And how was your night?

- Perfect, too." He answers gently before running his hand through my hair.

I watch him do it without moving, observing the relaxed expression on his face and the dimples digging into his cheeks while his lips form a beautiful smile.

He continues to gently run his hand through my hair before moving his face closer to mine.

"Can I kiss you again?

- You don't have to ask."

His hands roll over my cheeks and I close my eyes, feeling the warm, soft touch of his lips against mine.

We kiss slowly for several minutes and I lose track of time.

Charles's tongue caresses mine gently and suddenly the Monegasque stands above me, his legs on either side of my body and his hands on my chest as we continue to kiss more intensely.

I love the kisses we exchange, I really do. Yet, an unpleasant and oppressive feeling increases as our kisses intensify become a little more passionate.

I don't think I can handle Charles being above me. I'm not sure I'd be able to push him away in that position. I don't know if I can say no.

Charles detaches his lips from mine while keeping his hands on my cheeks. He crosses my eyes in anguish and I see anxiety forming on his face.

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