5- Afraid

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All my friends always lie to me
I know they're thinking

You're too mean, I don't like you
Fuck you, anyway
You make me wanna scream at the top of my lungs
- The Neighbourhood


Charles Leclerc

I'm in my driver's room eating a cereal bar while scrolling through my phone.

I'm looking at the trophy next to the bag of strawberry lollipops I stole.

I'm not sure I feel regret.

In fact, I think I have absolutely no regrets about what I did. Seeing the anger in his icy eyes, seeing an emotion different from indifference in his blue gaze, did me good.

I won today, but nobody cares. All the journalists had questions only about Verstappen and his stupid accident. He'll always steal my spotlight.

Everyone is worried about his health and is waiting to hear from him.

I just want to remind them that it's Verstappen and that as always he's going to be just fine and it's not a loss of consciousness and a crash that's going to stop him.

I drop my phone and get up to take off my outfit and change.

I put on a red jogger with a white sweatshirt before I put my hair back on. My cheeks are still red from the race and this despite my shower. I take water again to make sure I'm well hydrated before I pick up my phone. 

Pierre already left me a message.

Pierre: We'll meet at my hotel room tonight, I'll send you the address.

I think back to his angry and worried face when he and Daniel separated me from Verstappen before the race.

I don't want him meddling in my business with the Redbull pilot, but Pierre is my friend and I can't tell him to go fuck himself like I probably would with someone else.

I leave the circuit with Carlos in a lovely Ferrari to our hotel.

Once in my room, I lie down on my bed until Pierre sends me the address of his hotel. 

It's two blocks from mine and I decide to walk there.

I take the elevator to his room and knock on his door.

Pierre opens me with a slight smile. He's wearing a T-shirt and shorts, his hair's in a mess.

"Congratulations on your victory!

- Thank you, congratulations too!"

He's shifting to let me in. I take off my shoes while he closes the door and sits comfortably on his bed.

"Shall we watch an episode of Breaking Bad?" I ask by properly placing the cushion behind my back.

Pierre slowly approaches the bed with a serious face. I had hoped he'd forget my argument with the Dutchman.

"I'd like to talk  about what happened before the race with Max.

I raise my eyebrows and don't fail to breathe a sigh.

- It's not a big deal. I just wanted to play a joke. But as usual, Verstappen can't handle his frustration.

I watch Pierre put a hand through his hair and I understand that he is not going to give up so easily.

Fuck Pierre. Mind your own business.

- I don't understand your behavior with him. Honestly, Charles, he doesn't do anything and you're always going to pick up trouble with him...

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