35- Ocean

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I'm headed home, I told you so

- Elsa & Emilie


Charles Leclerc

I feel his hair tickle my skin and before I even open my eyes a smile is born on my face. I turn to him and take him in my arms to hold him tighter against me. I feel his hands sliding on the skin of my back and his slow, warm breath landing on my bare chest.

I open my eyes gently, the sun is rising and its rays are filtering through the curtains of the hotel room. My gaze glides on my boyfriend's hair and then on his face still asleep. My smile is getting bigger. I hope to wake up every morning like this from now.

I slip my nose into his hair to breathe in his perfume and he starts moving against me. With his eyes still closed, he straightens his face towards me and I lay my lips on his forehead, admiring the smile that blossoms on his face.

"Can we cancel the race and spend the day like this?

- Unfortunately not, but it's the last race before the summer break so we'll have plenty of opportunities to stay in bed together."

I run my hand through his hair and feel his arms tighten around me.

"I don't want to go to the paddock today. "He admits me softly and I know he's afraid of people's eyes ever since the video came out.

Redbull made an official statement but Max did not react to the release of the video. The fans and the media are flaring up, hoping to get an answer from the main person concerned, an explanation about something that doesn't concern them.

"You can say that you are sick and that you are not able to drive.

He opens his eyes and I can feel the butterflies stirring in my stomach when his blue eyes meet mine.

- I'm not letting you win the championship like that.
He's laughing, but I know he's really thinking about not coming to the race today.

- I don't want to bring points back to Ferrari, I might be sick today too, you probably gave me your virus. I should call my boss and let him know.

- Are you sure you want to do this?"

I smile at him and lean over to kiss him tenderly. He puts one of his hands on my cheek and I feel his thumb gently caressing my skin.

We split up and I pick up my phone.

"Hello, Mattia? My tone is dry and harsh.

- Charles?

- I'm very sick, I won't be able to come at all today.

- What? What's wrong with you?

- I think... I've become allergic to red.

I meet Max's gaze, who seems shocked by my answer, but a smile appears on his face and he giggles at my stupid joke.

- I hope it's a joke.

- No, I'm not coming today, anyway, it doesn't change much one more race... one less race... You should be thanking me for sparing you emotionally hypocritical goodbyes.

- Where are you?

- Oooh, I think you're asking any member of the team, he knows where I was last night from the noise Max and I made.

- Are you with Max?

- Well, I have to hang up now. I really need to throw up.

- You're fired, Charles! Such behaviour is simply intolerable.

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