36- Photograph

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We keep this love in a photograph
We made these memories for ourselves
Where our eyes are never closing
Hearts are never broken
And time's forever frozen still

- Ed Sheeran


Charles Leclerc

3 weeks later

It must have been at least an hour since Max is in the bathroom getting ready. I'm in his room - our room - finishing up my hair but I really need the mirror and it's only in the bathroom.

I knock on the door but don't get an answer so I gently open the door.

Max is bare-chested, completely absorbed by his reflection in the mirror. He doesn't notice my presence.

"Hey, are you okay?

His face turns towards me and he gives me an almost invisible smile.

- Come and see." He beckons me to join him.

I hasten to come next to him and look at our reflections in the mirror, not noticing anything particular.

"What's going on? I ask him confusedly.

- Don't you notice anything?

He asks by gesturing with his chin to his own reflection in the mirror.

- You mean aside from the fact that you're handsome and I don't really want to go out tonight all of a sudden?

He laughs  and give me a slight blow on the shoulder. His eyes sparkle and his skin wrinkles at the corners of his eyes. I could kill to see his eyes light up if I had to.

- You're so stupid! Look at my chest!

I don't notice anything except his insulin pump and his abs that just make me want to run my hand over his belly to feel them.

- What do you think I've been doing since I went into the bathroom?"

I watch him roll his eyes but the growing smile on his face betrays his amusement.

His gaze refocuses on what he sees in the mirror. He's getting serious all of a sudden.

"I don't have any bruises on my chest. Can you look at my back, see if there's any left?

I stand behind him to watch his back. I don't need to look long to see a perfectly healthy skin without the slightest worrying mark. I still take the time to run my fingers over his soft skin, triggering a long shiver.

I cross his gaze in the mirror and I feel the emotion in his throat and his anxious expression.


- You got nothing, Max. There are no marks. Your skin is perfect. "

He puts his hands against the sink cabinet. They tremble very suddenly.

I wrap my arms around my boyfriend and put my hands on his chest before placing my head on his shoulder and kissing him tenderly on his neck and cheek.

"It's the first time in so long... I..."

I continue to gently kiss him on every patch of his skin, while holding him against me. Tears flow down his cheeks and I let him cry as much as he needs, continuing to embrace him and hold him against me.

"You're so strong and brave, I love you so much.

- Thank you Charles, it's all thanks to you." He told me before he turned and took me in his arms, burying his face in my neck to hide his sobs.

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