19- Everything I wanted

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But when I wake up, I see
You with me
And you say
"As long as I'm here, no one can hurt you"

- Billie Eilish


Charles Leclerc

I'd rather be with Max. I don't like the idea of leaving him alone.

I know he's pretending to be okay so I don't ask questions.

I heard him crying in his sleep the other night.

It was the most heartbreaking sound I've ever heard.

However, if I'm not with him tonight, it's for him.

The Mercedes-Benz with tinted windows is waiting for me on the street I pointed out. I didn't want to give my address because Max would have probably recognized the vehicle and figured out where I was going.

When I arrive at the entrance of the manor and make the journey on the gravel ground to the entrance I feel empty. Max is not by my side and all of this doesn't make sens anymore.


- Leclerc Charles.

- You're accompanied by?

- I'm alone.

- You can't go in alone.

- That's stupid.

- That's  the protocol.

- I'm a friend of Lady Tina's.

- She didn't mention you.

- Please tell her I'm waiting here and it's about our mutual friend.

- Please wait. "

One of the security guards pulls out a phone and makes a call.

"All right, you may come in, Lady Tina is waiting for you in the large living room on the first floor.

- Thank you."

I readjust my suit jacket as I climb the steps of the great marble staircase.

I'm going to the lounge indicated by the security guard. There's a lot of people.

My eyes scanned the room before stopping at Lady Tina.

Herbal tea in hand, she listens attentively to the people talking around her. Her eyes suddenly turn towards me and a smile appears on her wrinkled face. I can hardly answer her smile, too concerned about Max's situation.

The woman gets up apologizing to her guests before heading towards me. She smiles quietly but her eyes sparkle with malice.

"Mr. Leclerc... I was beginning to wonder when you were coming back to see me.

-  How did you know I'd be back?

- I know Max. You're here for him, aren't you?

- How did you...

- Follow me, we'll talk somewhere quieter. "

I follow the old lady in a small empty room.

Lady Tina sits down in one of the armchairs and gestures to me to take a seat in front of her.

"Are you interested in Max?

- I... he has a boyfriend. I answer in panic not expecting that question.

- Wrong answer. Your eyes have betrayed you, boy.

- I like him, I guess.

.I like this answer better. Listen to me boy.  Max brought you back here so he must trust you.

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