10- False Confidence

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You're here for a reason but you don't know why
You're split and uneven your hands to the sky
Surrender yourself

- Noah Kahan


Max Verstappen

I'm curled up against the wall of my driver's room, alone.

My arms surround my legs and my head rests on my knees.

I should be happy.

I just won the Miami GP. I'm the best driver in the world, I should be happy.

I feel a lot of things but nothing close to happiness.

Armand left after he finished doing what he had to do with me.

He went to wait for me in my hotel room.

I don't want to go. I'm scared and I feel bad.

I've been alone in my driver's room for quite some time and no one seems to have notice.

But I have to move. If I stay here too long, Armand might come back and I'd rather not let that happen.

I slowly get up to take off my redbull jumpsuit and put on another outfit.

I'm wearing a sweater in spite of the heat. I don't want people to see the bruises on my wrists.

I'll get my things and call a cab.

I'm probably making a mistake, but it's better than what's waiting for me if I go back to my hotel room I think giving the driver an address that's not my hotel's address.

Charles Leclerc

I've been taking a shower for quite some time with the music going on.

When I finally get out of the shower to dry my body, I turn down the music a bit and put on my bathrobe before drying my hair.

I turn off the music on my phone and go back to the room.

That's when someone knocks on my door.

I'm waiting for a while, listening to what's going on in the hallway.

I'm not expecting anyone, it must have been someone who made a mistake.

There's a knock on my door again, and this time, I come forward to open the door.

" Um...? Why are you here?"

Verstappen is probably the last person I thought I'd see here.

He doesn't look well. For a moment I wonder if it has something to do with is diabetes or something like that.

"Please, can I come in for a moment?"

I don't want to see him. I want to get away from him, but I can't leave him alone like that, Pierre would fight me.

"Only a few minutes."

He nods his head, and I step back to let him in.

I remain standing in the middle of the room, arms crossed on my chest staring at the Dutchman, waiting for an explanation.

He stares at the ground without daring to look at me.

"So... how did you get my hotel room number?

- I asked your girlfriend.

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