7- Eyes don't lie

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You tell me your secrets
You keep your life between yours lips
You know you're my weakness

- Isabel LaRosa


GP Miami 2022

Charles Leclerc

I leave Verstappen's hotel room completely disturbed.

My mind can't grasp what happened in the space of a few minutes.

So he's diabetic.

Now that I know, I can't help but wonder how I didn't realize it sooner. It makes so much sense.

I have so many questions. On that and also on the bruises I saw on his body.

They looked fresh.

My anger towards him fell in one fell swoop, like a cold shower.

I feel like shit now.

I thought I knew the redbull driver, but I really only know the mask he wears. And even though I see him every race weekend, I don't know what he does the rest of the time.

I'd like to tell Pierre about what I've just learned, but if I do and the Dutchman learns it, he might tell everyone my secret.

I can't figure out how he knows what happened and it makes my stomach ache.

I found out I didn't know anything about him and he knew too much about me.

I take out my phone once I sit in the Ferrari before I start.

Charles: Can we talk?

I start the car and leave Verstappen's hotel to join mine.

I walk up the stairs, brain completely disconnected until I reach Pierre's room.

My friend opens the door with a surprised and worried face. I can't even pretend I'm doing well.

I'm an asshole and I'm scared.

"What's going on, Charles? What's wrong?

- I have something to tell you.

- Come in."

Pierre shifts to let me pass. We sit at the edge of his bed. I rub my fingers between them without realizing it until Pierre lays his hand on mine to stop me.

"Tell me what's wrong, Charles. You can trust me, you know.

I meet Pierre's comforting and sincere gaze.

- Remember that night I went to in 2020? I ask him.

- Of course I remember. It ruined who you were before, Charles, I can't forget.

- There's something I haven't told you about.

- What is it?

I sigh while avoiding my friend's gaze.

- I met a man there and we finished the evening together.

- Charles, I know you're attracted to men, and you know very well that I don't care...

-  It's not that.

- Wait... is someone threatening you?"

I'm not answering right now. Verstappen threatened me, didn't he? It was a warning.

Pierre's face stretches out, and I feel he's starting to get angry.

"Charles... did Max threaten you again?

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