34- Power Over Me

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You've got that power over me, my my
Everything I hold dear resides in those eyes
You've got that power over me, my my
The only one I know, the only one on my mind

- Dermot Kennedy


Charles Leclerc

I've been in my hotel room for two hours. I had time to put everything away, shower and take hundreds of steps torturing my mind before two simple knocks on the door resonated in the room and my heartbeat suddenly sped up.

I open the door without hesitation and let the driver into the room. I lock the door in complete silence before turning to Max.

He looks exhausted, his face is a little pale and his eyes are shining because of the fatigue. Yet, when our eyes finally meet and the blue of his irises pierces the green of mine, I forget all our problems and I think he does too.

I finish walking the distance that separates us from each other without taking my eyes off his. When our lips finally meet and our bodies embrace each other perfectly I feel a sigh of comfort and relief leave his lips and be absorbed by my mouth. We kiss each other tenderly, desperately, as if we had been apart for a long time.

I put my hands around his neck and run my thumbs gently over his cheeks, amplifying the depth of our kiss.

I can feel his arms go behind my back and squeeze me gently against him.

"I thought it was over... both of us." Max admits between two kisses, breathless. It's my fault, and I regret it. I crush my lips against his and slide my hands down the back of his neck to caress the soft skin of that part of his body. He greets my gesture with a thrill of pleasure.

"I'm sorry I hurt you, I was wrong."

Max shakes his head, a gesture to signify that it's okay, but I continue to blame myself in spite of everything, and knowing myself, I know I'm going to blame myself for doubting our relationship and not prioritizing it without thinking.

"What does all this mean now?" Max whispered the question and I barely heard it, but it resonates with me. I'm trying to find the right words to answer him.

Our lips part and Max pulls his face away from mine, forcing me to cross his eyes. I feel caught up in his icy eyes and I end up confessing what I think.

"I thought my career would always be the top priority in my life, that was before I fell in love with you. Now my priority is us... I don't care about Ferrari, what my family thinks... Ever since I trusted you, I finally feel like myself.

It's Max's turn to put his hands on my cheeks. I don't have time to blush in front of my vulnerability because he looks at me with bright eyes and the emotion is palpable all over his face. His voice trembles when he speaks.

"I would be willing to leave Redbull for you, and you, if necessary, will you be able to do so for the good of our relationship?"

I know he's asking the question from the perspective that we might share the same team, Redbull, a reality that seemed unimaginable to me some time ago. A reality that I am ready to embrace fully now and which I rejoice, although it is frightening and will greatly disappoint my family and my friends.

So I know what I have to say to him and it is without hesitation that I answer him, looking right into his eyes.

"I'd stop Formula One for you if you asked me to."

Max doesn't have to ask me if I'm telling the truth. He reads it all over my face. That's also why I fell in love with him. I always had trouble deciphering him but he always knew as if my thoughts were written on my forehead.

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