3- Therefore I Am

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I'm not your friend or anything, damn
- Billie Eilish


Arabie Saoudite  2022

Charles Leclerc

I'm scrolling on Instagram, looking at the countless reposts from my date to the basketball game with Charlotte. 

The fans fall for it every time.

It's true that when we look at the pictures we really feel like we're madly in love with each other.

Honestly, I could believe it too.

I'm looking at the time on my phone screen.  It's 10:00 p.m., and I already feel like going to bed.

It must be said that the day has been particularly busy for me...

I won the first GP of the 2022 season so naturally I'm the target of all the journalists and I don't even count the number of interviews I had to give today, to repeat the same thing in English, French and Italian.

Not to mention all the fans who asked me for autographs or photos.

I'm surprised I don't have a big headache.

I set my alarm clock and put down my phone before settling comfortably into my bed with a sigh.

I have to be ready for qualifying the next day.



The pole position escapes me.

I fucking hate letting a Redbull take the lead.

"What's the order?

- Pérez, you, Carlos, Verstappen."

I'm smiling. Verstappen did not manage to be in the top 3. I'll still be able to make fun of him tomorrow after the race if all goes well.

I'm joining my team for the meeting with everyone to plan tomorrow's strategy.

I'll try to attack Pérez and Carlos will try to hold Verstappen as long as possible. 

I don't like to admit it but the Dutch driver is very strong and has already shown in the past that he could reach the first position without any problems despite the great defence of the other drivers.

As I leave the meeting, I hear a stormy conversation coming from the stand next to mine.

I shouldn't be so curious I think as I slowly move towards the source of the voices.

I quickly understand that the voices come from Verstappen's stand.

Are there still people at this hour?

I get closer and I see them.

Verstappen and his father.

I don't understand their conversation, but it doesn't take a genius to figure out they're fighting.

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