Chapter 1 - Orange skies - U

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A warm shower that nearly burnt his skin was perfect in soothing him. Stepping off the tub, he wrapped a towel around his body and used the second to aggressively rub his hair so it dried quickly. He didn't bother brushing as it puffed back to its natural spikes. Afterwards, his mother called him down for a family dinner. He sat on the edge, as did his mother, with their father in the middle. He used his fork to scrape the food into his mouth as he tried to distract himself with anything that his mind could offer.

When he looked back up, he saw his mother clicking at him with a glare. From the look on his father's extremely obvious expression, they must have been arguing again.

"You deaf?! Respond when I call your name." She barked at her son.

He rolled his eyes. "Whatever."

"Don't you use that tone with me!"

"Mits--," his father objected. "Leave him alone, he's just a teenager."

"No, this boy is spoilt. That's what he is. We do so much for you."

"Enough, he hasn't done anything. Back off."

Bakugo looked at his two parents while they shared a glare. His mother walked away and went over to Masaru. "Both of you dig my head in, I just feel tempted to run away and never come back. Get back my fucking life."

"I wasn't the one who lied about getting pregnant."

What did he mean by lying? Bakugo hadn't heard this part before and he wanted to listen yet run at the same time.

"Don't you dare mention this in front of Katsuki, you thick man."

Enough was enough and Bakugo stood up, ignoring the squeals of the chair as he made his way back upstairs. He collapsed onto his bed and groaned, wanting nothing more than to sleep and forget everything. Luck was never on his side with sleep so he just laid on his bed, rolling around every five minutes or near to keep comfortable. It became boring, he opened his phone and used it to occupy him.

He only saw his father before bed, the man opened the door to give a smile to his son but his eyes were red from the excessive crying which only made the smile feel suffocating. Before leaving he made sure his son heard.

"You both will miss me when I'm gone."

He always said the most dumb shit when crying and Bakugo used to feel horrific about it but now he felt nothing and just went back to try and actually sleep. Okay, maybe he felt awkward but that was about it.


Today, Aizawa was sick or something like that. Bakugo wasn't really listening during the beginning. But he knew that All Might was taking over. He didn't feel as tired but instead felt a bitterness in his throat with the situation at home, it felt as if it was twisting all aspects of his life. At this point, he wondered if he enjoyed school more as he played a character and could immerse himself into being this strong person. Slowly, it started to become more blurred on who he was and he wondered if everyone else took notice of that too.

The analysing Midoriya could easily tell that Bakugo was mentally struggling, from the way he sluggishly walked and stared with dry eyes. He appeared exhausted, to be frank. Then there was yesterday and how he actually refused to be praised and it was really questionable how well the blonde was doing. He wanted, no, Bakugo wasn't someone that accepted being vulnerable and it was likely that whatever was upsetting him was buried with an anchor and Midoriya knew he needed to help. In any way possible.

To Bakugo, he couldn't stop staring and taking in All Might's actual form - how weak he looked... all because of him. He felt disgusted with himself for what he caused, the top hero to lose his career. Looking at him was too painful when he saw the deflated form. It was wrong and he couldn't stop engraving each flaw he gave his idol into his head.

He really didn't want to exist right now, really didn't. Emphasis on the didn't. Bakugo had enough and couldn't think straight so he walked out the class, the noises around him were silenced. He ended up in the corridors and leaning back against the wall. Footsteps echoed and he turned his head to see the green haired boy sprint over to him.


"Why did you walk out of class, idiot." Bakugo scoffed.

"Well, I asked All might. And he let me check on you. Let's go for a walk."

"Piss off, Deku."

He shook his head and slowly started walking while he kept his arm linked around the taller male. Bakugo slowly walked next to him, groaning. They made it to a vending machine and Midoriya bought juice boxes for both of them. The drinks were emptied while they sat on a bench outside.

Despite idolising All Might even more than Bakugo did, Midoriya never scolded his friend or punched him for ending his career. He'd want to kick himself until he was bruised, yet this dude acted like nothing happened.

"Is there something on my face...?" Midoriya mumbled, searching through his pocket for a mirror.

Oh, he was staring. "No, I was thinking. It's not all about you, turd."

He should listen to his own advice. Like the one he said on the last day of middle school.

"Kacchan, I want you to know you can always talk to me. The past means nothing to me, you're still my best friend and I'll be here. I know somethings up but I won't force you I just want you to feel able to talk if you ever feel up for it."

Bakugo looked up at his friend with glossy eyes. "Best friend, huh?"


Neither spoke afterwards, both feeling a sense of comfort from being in this moment together. Something Bakugo was originally reluctant to agree on, but it was undeniable that the annoying green kid soothed him from the storm inside his mind.

They went to their next class, although in different rooms so it felt easier for Bakugo as less questions would be asked. Aside from the teacher's snarky comment on his late entrance, no one had their attention on Bakugo so he could allow himself to zone out.

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