Chapter 25 - Sleep more - G

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What was next on the list? The zone was completely shaken, not able to think prior from the conversation with that arse.

Looking at his list, he reorganised himself. He turned back to a music shop he passed and this time he went inside. The distinct bashing of guitars beat against his eardrums, making him grit his teeth as he walked in deeper to the pits of hell. To prevent any more time spent to make him deaf, he quickly bought two music symbol keyrings and went off. That was everyone and he sighed, feeling some relief from getting it all done. The last task was to write a note at home for Izuku.

The bus was cramped but it was over, he fell onto his bed and groaned. Bakugo grabbed a sheet of paper and found a random pencil to write with.

Dear Deku.

No, he shouldn't address him with that old nickname.

Dear Izuku.

Are you free next Friday?

Scrap that, of course he would be free. He doesn't need to ask the obvious.

Dear Izuku.

Come with me on Friday to a cafe.

That comes across as demanding but it will have to do. He added a wonky heart to finish it off. On Monday he can give everything out. The rest of the day was dedicated to binge watching whatever seemed interesting on his tiktok feed.

On Sunday, the letter arrived with a form for a divorce. The anticipation became a waste when he saw his mother stash the form into a random draw, claiming they would do it another time. His father was at work again so he spent the day in his room.

Kirishima waved at Bakugo when he entered, giving a thumbs up. The blonde thought he looked ridiculous, no surprises there. "Bro! I'm here before you, are we in an alternate world or what?"

"Sure." He sat down and crossed his legs, resting his head on the desk as the vibrations hit the back of his throat. The window was covered in fog so he struggled to find anything memorable in the outdoors.

English was before break time which meant he needed to be swift in leaving so he made it to the lockers first, as well as leaving before anyone notices. Midnight continued analysing the book with the class, finishing with an announcement on a mid exam about it that would take place next week. The blonde decided to start revising on that week rather than now. He didn't feel like getting into the study mode yet. Bakugo slammed his bag onto the desk, throwing all his stuff in and darting out the room before his friends could notice. He marched down the hall and looked around, relieved that it was only him but that wouldn't last long. He opened his friends' lockers and jammed the gifts inside and then he saw Kirishima's hair in the distant and took the opportunity to quickly leave.

He climbed up some stairs and sighed, resting his palm against the wall opposite him. I don't really want to talk to anyone, he thought in dejection. His eyes met with a door and he went inside, finding a bathroom cubicle to sit in. He wondered if his friends found the gifts by now, if they enjoyed it. He grinned at the thought of them smiling.

"I recognise your shoes." A voice called out.

Bakugo nearly dropped his phone, a loud "fuck" echoing in the room. He grabbed the phone with his life and yelled at the person outside, "why are you looking for me you pervert?"

"I could smell a son of divorc--."

Bakugo kicked the door open, the hinges at their last hold as he charged towards the stack of hay, pulling him by the chest. Monoma painfully snickered as his back touched the chilling snow-covered wall.

"Unhand me!" He whined, struggling out of Bakugo's glare.

"Like hell I will."

"Don't forget this situation you're in. You wouldn't like this secret spread around would you." He began to raise his voice, causing the other to shudder and release his hold.

He muttered in defeat, "fucking mutt..."

Monoma's grin returned, clicking his fingers to lead Bakugo outside as if he was his pet. The spiky blonde began to follow him, keeping in line without any words drifting between them. They reached the outdoors with flying pigeons above. He scrubbed his eye and yawned, pausing when he noticed Midoriya.

"Kacchan... Why are you hanging with him? Don't you hate each other?" The shorter boy bluntly questioned.

Bakugo facepalmed, wondering when the hell his boyfriend became so blunt. He wasn't willing to explain the shitshow he waltzed in to so he let the ring leader, Monoma speak on his behalf. "We're friends now, you know?" He awkwardly caressed the other's shoulder, as if he was feeding steak to a lion.

"I know we have quirks n' shit but don't take the piss." Bakugo scoffed.

Midoriya could not keep himself from giggling which caused his boyfriend to smile. Monoma was partially dumbfounded, scrambling for any pesky excuse that would get the nosy student off their tail. Uraraka called out which solved the issue, ah how wonderful things were. Although, Bakugo was hesitant and grabbed the greenette's arm.

"You are hanging out with her? What for?" He glared.

"Uh..." He fiddled with his fingers. "She is being okay now, there's-- there is no need to worry!"

"Idiot. If she does anything--."

"She won't! I can look after myself, you know?" Midoriya pouted, much to Monoma's shock. When were they so close? Didn't Bakugo hate everyone?

"But what about when you're tickled?" Bakugo retorted with a shit eating grin.

Midoriya began to walk away, leaving a safe distance before yelling out, "who was the one that got rid of the spider the other day?"

He marched forward, being pulled back by Monoma. "SHUT UP THAT DIDN'T HAPPEN!"

The freckled boy sprinted away to where a few of his friends talked, escaping the dragon's wrath.

"Didn't expect you both to be lovey dovey." Monoma commented.

"Get the fuck off me! Who do you think you're touching, hah?"

"I thought you were replaced, good to know you're still a jerk."

"I will beat you to the dirt, watch your mouth."

Monoma rolled his eyes, pulling him to help out with a request not yet known.

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