Chapter 3 - Melon skies - L

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The attention Midoriya gave to Bakugo grew from being rare encounters to casual appearances. It was left unquestioned by most who assumed it was the typical behaviours of Midoriya; being supportive to all his classmates. Kirishima, by being one of the closest to Bakugo, noticed and was the only one that verbally questioned the change - purely intrigued. Bakugo responded with a snarky comment and the wonder soon floated away. But the question didn't leave his mind as quickly as it did for Kirishima. In fact, why was he putting such an effort to hang with the blonde, way more than he usually would. There would have to be a reason for it. Did he make it obvious that his general situation wasn't ideal? He thought until now that he kept it under wraps, avoiding concern from anymore but maybe recently he was lacking. It was an unpleasantly relieving idea. Deku (the nickname he dubbed for Midoriya), was analytical and could easily figure out that Bakugo was faltering in terms of mental strength which urged the blonde to further push him away. He knew too damn much already. It felt like a round of chess between the two and he wasn't ready to sacrifice his queen.

He tried to believe that the green haired boy did it out of spite, to find a weakness so he could surpass him. He really wanted that to be the case but the truth would always say otherwise. As children, Midoriya went out of his way to bring others up with him even if he had the disadvantages himself. One of the people he helped being Bakugo, at that river. Where he raised his hand to help a cocky, younger Bakugo as if it was natural. Eyes that trailed over him with full authenticity and care. Just thinking back on it made him want to flinch, for someone to be so genuine in this world?

And Bakugo bullied him, hell, he bullied him. Why couldn't he hate Bakugo for what he did?

Kicked against the floor, notes destroyed and countless other schemes for Deku to still be here and trying to reach out with that same hand. He never received that from anyone else than the boy and it felt foreign to the level of fear. Maybe one day he'll tell Midoriya that he's proud of him, for staying his lovely self despite everything.

He was snapped back to reality with a slam of hands on his desk. Glancing up, it was Uraraka. One of the friends in Deku's group who had an obvious crush on him. Bakugo didn't really care, it was that obvious.

As she didn't speak, only glared, Bakugo decided to be the one to do it. "What is it? Spit it out."

"Why would you call him that? Useless? Is that really what you--."

"Did you only realise 'Deku' meant that, now? I didn't think you were that stupid, round face."

"You're terrible! And here's to De- Izuku!" She corrected herself. "Who should have given up on you already." She shook her fists of hands, clearly wanting to continue. Iida was the interrupter, pulling Uraraka gently with him as he mumbled something about taking deep breaths.

He really should have, Bakugo smiled to himself. He flinched at the tear that splashed on his desk. When was the last time his body actually cried? Nevermind, he'd quickly wipe it away to avoid being caught. But that seemed to let the dam down, a tear after another falling through. Why did he?-- Why?! Why? Why? Why? Why?


His hands were pulled away from his hair but he couldn't recognise who it was.

Kirishima's heart crunched, the poor boy could barely breathe. He wasn't sure what caused this but once Bakugo calmed down he was going to do his best to help out. As any manly friend would! He helped the blonde calm down and regulate his breathing before asking him the following question.
"What happened... Kats?"

Bakugo wiped his sore eyes and groaned, feeling gross all round. "It's fine now, thanks Kiri." He planned on walking but his friend refused to accept it and stood in the way. "Come on, I'm not messing around."

"Me either, I don't mind if you need time but you need to talk to me man. This isn't small if it meant you couldn't breathe from stress."

Kirishima's hoarse words made Bakugo shrink further into his seat. He stared at his shoes, expecting them to take him away if he stared hard enough. He wished that was the case. He found out soon after on why the blonde reacted in the way he did, making complete sense. It made Kirishima furious, to say the least. He also assumed Midoriya was behind it and in the protective frenzy that probed him, common sense wasn't an option. Lifting Bakugo with his hand on shoulder, the two treaded outside to see that most of the school had already left for the day.

"Hey wait!" Kirishima walked back to the blonde as he stood outside the entrance. "Let me walk you home."

"Really, I'm fine now."

"Enough with the fine bullshit." Kirishima snapped, staring down at the state his close friend was in.

Bakugo retreated his arms to his chest, eyebrows raised with teeth gritting. This was a first.

Kirishima sighed as he crossed his arms, feeling conflicted on the matter. "I'm sorry, that was out of line for me. But, I can't let you deal with this shit alone. I know what you're trying to do and I won't let you. Now, let's walk to yours."

"Alright, if you insist." Bakugo walked back to his home, mentally preparing himself for it. The words Uraraka bleached into his brain seemed to blur as he found something else to mull over. Would his father be found crying again or would his mother be curled up in bed from the stress of it all? Either way, it would break him more as he continued to make sense of it by blaming only himself. His existence. He's sure Kirishima noticed the silence but at least he had the politeness to leave Bakugo to spiral. It's unlikely he would be able to use his voice. Oh, how a part of him really wanted to grab his shirt, plead for the redhead to stay. To take him away from the thorny household he was about to enter.

The knob was turned clockwise as a squeak echoed, which brought the heart of the house back to beat. The light from the sun struggled against the black curtains. The grey walls radiated the expression on Bakugo's face. He saw his father this time, nested on the couch with a pillow on his back and a blanket around his torso. A sheepish smile took in the features of an exasperated teenager. "How was school, son?"

"It was fine." Bakugo grunted as he nearly slipped on the first step, holding on to the railing so he could continue his march along the stairs back to his room. He should be more careful.

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