Chapter 18 - Daffodil fields - L

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The situation was consistent, waiting for the paperwork to finish which could take up to months as a worst case scenario, Bakugo was indifferent. He avoided any form of confrontation over the recent events and no one seemed to question it, or care. In his eyes, he was "that asshole".

He listened to music but Midoriya had other plans, getting his attention.
"What now?" Bakugo sighed.

"About the homework, can I see what you did?"

He didn't do it so he was in a difficult position on how to respond, only finding himself return to being harsh. "Don't copy of me, go and use your own brain."

"Aha, good point. Sorry Kacchan!" Midoriya walked off, seemingly unbothered.

Bakugo didn't believe it, he must feel some form of hurt at the interactions. Why wouldn't he? Being treated like shit by someone who deserved it himself. He never learned, and that boy was only nice to him. He couldn't clear his actions or change. No matter what he always found himself in this same place of ashes. If he let Izuku in, he'd get burnt. Bakugo could only stay inside the place and accept it as it is. His place.

Protect the ones you love most, from him. It always led to him being the problem. Ruining his parents, All Might... Izuku.

The pattern continued. He shouldn't exist for it... for any of what he's caused. Yet he wanted to be the best hero? Hero? Nothing he did was hero-like. No wonder the villains chose him, agh. These thoughts have gotten louder and louder these days.

It wasn't only guilt he felt towards him, he felt an unidentifiable emotion. It scared him, the feeling of wanting to cry. He thought he ended that saga a long time ago. Yet Izuku made him feel like a small child again, fragile, which was stupid considering he had to be a worthy opponent. He was far from worthy, especially from the words of his mother. He was called lazy for not doing enough work and that it was a miracle his grades were intact.

He needed to prove her wrong so when Kirishima offered him to join the class for a shopping evening, he declined. He sat at home slowly turning the page of his book as he reread the same lines about the characters. He focused on choosing five quotes for each character and then memorise so he was ready for any question. At some point he had a break and checked his phone, scrolling on social media to see pictures of his classmates. He zoomed in to view some of them and they all shared the same expression of happiness. Freedom. If he went he could have ruined it for them, they deserve to be away and happy.


He turned his head to the door and stared at his mother who held a wooden spoon. She told him off about using his phone and then left. To her, he had done nothing and needed to work harder. But it felt like the words didn't go through him anymore as he mindlessly read the book. He only thought about the picture and himself.

The next day was filled with reflections over the shopping spree. Tsuyu and Mina wore matching earrings that were on a discount, whilst Kaminari bought another portable charger (which was pointless but no one had the heart to tell him when he saw the pikachu designed one). Midoriya wasn't as talkative, nor did he enjoy it as much. He partly wished Bakugo was there, he needed some cheering up and Uraraka didn't help either. She followed him wherever he went and it made him quite uncomfortable. He managed to buy something when she was distracted but it was hard to keep her away from looking at what he bought.

Uraraka wasn't in class today so he did feel some relief in that. She always watched him and he would catch her yet she still did it. At least he was safe, for now. He walked over to the blonde that looked away from the rest and he dropped something in his bag, speed-walking away before he could get blown up.

Bakugo raised an eyebrow as he pulled out a smaller box that was in his bag. Did Midoriya buy that yesterday? He opened the box discreetly and stared at the item. It was an orange heart with miniature flowers around it. The brand wasn't cheap either, why the hell--.
The heart was shoved in the bag before he could blush any harder. That idiot always got under his skin.

What else could the heart mean? He gave a poor confession, if he wanted to let him know he could have said it in person. His heart felt things it shouldn't have, making the negativity seem distant, he found himself softened by it. It didn't leave his mind and when he saw the shorter boy at the lockers, he couldn't walk past.

He ended up pulling him away from the others by his tie. The other blinked multiple times.

"What the hell is this?" Bakugo asked, showing the heart to prove a point.

"Did you like it, I saw it and thought to give it to you."

Bakugo glared. "And?"

"And what?" The other asked, in oblivion.

It could have been his anger or the wishes of his heart but he chose to lean closer to Midoriya, kissing the edge of his lips before turning away with a red face. "And that."

The other covered his mouth and gasped. Bakugo couldn't handle the anticipation, walking away and forcing the moment to the back of his mind.

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