Chapter 12 - Sunflower fields - I

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Bakugo found out at the end of his match that the next one for him would be on Wednesday, when the second round began.

On Wednesday...
Bakugo opened his eyes to an earlier time than usual, like a nightmare with his eyes seeing his mother reorganise parts of his room. He swallowed to ease the dry throat and barked at his mother. "What the hell?"

"I'm fixing your room, it's a disgrace in here!" She retorted as she moved his shirt to another draw.

"Stop it! It's neat enough in here, Jesus Christ."

"Nearly done, you selfish child." She rolled her eyes and closed the draw, then exiting the room.

Bakugo rubbed his eyes as he tried to go back to sleep but his body was awake and he couldn't lay still forever so he was stuck awake, thanks to his wonderful mother. He sat on the edge of his bed as he scrolled mindlessly on his phone. It'll for sure hand him over a headache later but boredom was his current problem. A man throwing eggs at the microwave was paused by him hearing a creak at the door, it was his father. He didn't expect to see his son awake and reopened the door in surprise, the creak repeating.

"Why are you up, hun?" He asked.

"Stupid woman woke me up by moving shit around in my room."

"Ah, actually I wanted a moment between just us." He closed the door, walked over and sat next to his son.

"What now?"

"Well, it's..." He fiddled through his pocket and brought a box that opened to contain a seemingly gold watch. "This is a gold watch, it's one of my most prized possessions and as I won't be living with you, I want you to have it."

Bakugo hesitantly looked at him. "Dad... you don't need to."

"I'd be happier if you had it. Something to remember me by."

It didn't make sense on why he felt like crying, it was rare of him to. He refuses to cry in front of his father and blinks the forming tears back into the depths of his soul. Seeing that the older male won't likely change his mind, Bakugo takes the watch to examine in his palms. It had to be worth a lot of money.

Bakugo struggled to formulate words with his greater concentration being on preventing the tears but he tried, "thanks... I'll look-look after it."

Masaru nodded, "let's hug."

"I'm fine, now piss off."

His dad sighed, not surprised by the behaviour and left his son to relax on his own. Meanwhile, the boy knew if he accepted the hug, it would be the final knock at his composure. I have to be strong for him, Bakugo thought. Can always cry later just need to keep it together until he thinks I'm fine and moves. For his happiness.

It was getting harder to follow the chants - each day neared, when he would have to part with him.


As soon as it was time for lunch, Bakugo didn't waste time as he went straight to the destination. He didn't expect to see Midoriya.

"Deku." He muttered.

"Oh! Kacchan, I'm here to watch." He smiled.

Weirdo, Bakugo thought as he walked to Sero.

"Soy sauce, who am I against?"

"We'll have to randomly decide it, your match is the third one, after these two."'

He sat down at the back, where it was less packed and he could relax. At times, he did watch the matches and some of the skills the others had could be decent, but Bakugo still felt confident he could crush anyone.

Tsuyu's name was called and then Bakugo's. He sat on the same old table and took the controller handed to him. As he flicked through to choose the same team as previously...

"Lucky! You got a girl, you'll easily beat her as this is for dudes." Mineta spoke.

Bakugo kept his eyes at the projector, growling in his reply. "The fuck are you on about? This is a sport for anyone, well, except bitches like you."

Some "ohs" could be heard, Bakugo recognised them to be from his friends. A grin grew on his face. Tsuyu chose Liverpool, a higher rated team but that wouldn't be an issue, he still has the top skills.

The first half of the match had some back and forth attacking, but with neither scoring. During the halftime, Sero handed Bakugo a diet coke.

"The hell?"

"It adds to the experience, amigo." Sero grinned.

He didn't ask why the can was fridge cold, opening it and taking a long sip. Next to him, Tsuyu was drinking a sprite and somehow using her tongue as a straw... With the obscurity of the world, it wasn't questioned.

"Oi Frog, when the hell did you play this shit?" Bakugo asked his opponent.

"Oh, Bakugo. Yes, my brother loves to play and I join him frequently."

Huh, the more you learn about others. The second half commenced with a equal pressure between the players to score. Harry Kane from Bakugo's team had a shot but it deflected against the goalpost. It seemed as if he couldn't aim his shooting well. Which was bullshit as Bakugo practiced the most on that aspect. After his third close attempt to scoring, he fumed.

"This is fucked up!"

"Language." Iida instructed.

"Shut up, Four eyes!"

As he watched Tsuyu pass through his players like melted butter, he examined how his players responded to the joystick and noticed something odd. There was a stiffness to the joystick, making it harder to move the players. He certainly knew without a percentage of doubt that this Xbox controller was shitter than the previous.

Tsuyu had a corner and she aimed the player before shooting.

Bakugo grabbed Tsuyu's controller and pressed the joystick around with his thumb.

"That's cheating!" Denki gawked at Sero with pigeon eyes.

"No shit--." Sero nodded, dumbfounded by multiple things in this moment.

"Just accept you're losing, Bakugo." Shinso smiled.

"Hold on a minute. You extras, I've been sabotaged with this controller. It's shit, the joystick is stiff and the B button is very dodgy. It's no wonder I can't score a goal. Damn it!"

A couple of students groaned at what felt like excuses for the lack of goals. His controller was getting soaked from the amount of sweat as his hands clenched on. He couldn't let this continue or she'll win and he has to be the one to win this. He has to win it there is no other alternative. Maybe then it will prove he is something out of all the abuse his father endured for his upbringing. He has to win or it will be a punch on the shoulder to his dear pa. He's sadistic to let himself lose. How would his father feel? How would it feel, Katsuki.

He pinched his forehead and stood up with both of the controllers.

Present Mic - one of their teachers - walked in to check on the commotion. Immediately, Bakugo shoved a controller in the teacher's hand who paused like a malfunctioning robot.

Bakugo heard the disagreement from around him, making sure to raise his voice louder than it already was. "As you can see, I'm playing Fifa but this one is crappier so it's messing with the gameplay. Can you prove to them that it's not as good?"

Kirishima's mouth stayed wide open as the teacher walked to the front and presumed the game, testing out the features. He clicked a few buttons before pausing it and agreeing, "yes, this controller is poorer."

"I fucking knew it!" Bakugo cackled while being scolded for cussing.

"Haha, I played the old Fifa's a lot, as a kid. It would be fun to watch what you students are up to. Why, I'll be the ref."

And as the match commenced with Bakugo and Tsuyu, deciding the winner on a penalty shootout with the same controller, Mic was now a part of the chaotic tournament. He stared with determination. He could fulfill his policing duties well if anyone misbehaved in the game. Also feeling pleasant to bond with the students. Already, he was needed, reminding Mineta to stop distracting Bakugo as he took his shot.

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