Chapter 17 - Honeysuckle fields - I

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Bakugo ended up in school, as every day eventually met with. He felt his mind drift more, the silence at home to the conversations with that... nerd. He remembers leaving in the morning, neither him or the other mentioning the meltdown from the night before. He was glad, Bakugo couldn't bring himself to talk any more on that topic. Although, Midoriya probably knows everything now. So much for a stable family. Only him and his dear mother, God he knows his dad needs to get away but where would he even go? Back to his family?

In one of his subjects, he was in a cloud, white air around him. Flowers sprouted inside the cloud as they tied around his ankles. He sat silently as they began to tighten and stop his circulation. Movement commenced ahead of him and he saw Midoriya. They stared at each other. Midoriya leaned with a pair of scissors towards the blonde's ankles and he tried to move away, screams. He yelled and begged to be left until he shook his head and realised.

He was in History, must have been a daydream. Each fantasy made less sense, it would be sensible for him to let go of analysing it.

Midnight hesitated on changing the PowerPoint slide, her eyes fluttering on the student that bashed his head against the table. A ring to ears, a crisp sensation of twitches from a few students. The rest of the class followed the noise and stared in confusion. More and more puzzle pieces of things not being right for the boy came together, forming a grotesque image.

Midnight stood before anyone else could, clicking towards Bakugo, who showed no signs of moving. She eventually kneeled and whispered a phrase in his ear that led to him moving his chair back and turning to walk out of the class immediately, the front spikes of his head drenched. Midoriya raised his hand and Midnight pointed at him.

"Should I--."

"He'll be fine, give him time." She proceeded back to her desk.

Bakugo stomped down the halls, feeling the drips down his hair with his fingers. He passed another blonde that chuckled.

"Out of class? Wow, the delinquent you are."

Bakugo turned, "the fuck did you say?"

"I said what I said, an observation." He grinned as the other lifted him by the shirt.

"What's got you so pissy, jeez."

Bakugo looked down at the boy who forced himself to smile and he dropped him, walking off. He was tempted but it wasn't the right decision so he walked away, kicking an empty can.

He ended up going home, this time taking a bus so his journey was reduced. On the way he stared ahead, drowning out the women hovering over her yelling baby.

And then his day was nothing, the rest not worthy of a mention or recalling of. Repetitive.

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