Chapter 4 - Apple skies - T

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Arriving at school, Midoriya walked towards Bakugo to give his morning greeting. Uraraka almost jumped in front of Midoriya, startling the boy into his packet of mumbles. She successfully distracted him, leading him back to her seat. What neither noticed was that Kirishima sat on his desk with an exaggerated scowl, one of a dog, watching Bakugo to make sure he wasn't bothered by either of the two douchebags that upset him yesterday. There was a short moment where Midnight paused her English lesson, attempting to fix the error that spread across her visualiser. Kaminari finally leaned back on his seat, hitting Kirishima's desk.

"Bro, did I miss something? You've been eyeing Blasty as if he'll be kidnapped again." Kaminari questioned.

Kirishima turned to Kaminari for a second to read his face before returning to Bakugo, noticing the blonde drop his pen from flicking it around and mouthing a few obvious curse words that Kirishima doesn't wish to repeat. "Too soon for that joke, Kami," Kirishima firmly spoke.

"Aha, sorry! Bad habits, uh but seriously, what's going on?"

He wasn't mad at his clueless friend, no, it would be harsh to be as he knew completely that Kaminari had the best of intentions. "Can't really say, it isn't my place but he's dealt with some bad shit from others so I feel like keeping an eye on him."

"Was it from someone in the class?"

"Yes, now stop asking questions about it." Kirishima whispered.

"Who's been fucking with our Blasty!" Kaminari yelled in a near whine, getting scolded by Midnight for his poor language and slapped on the forehead by Kirishima.

Bakugo turned away from the commotion, trying to zone out but it didn't work. It was great, only working when he didn't want it to. But as soon as the moment arrives where he could make use of that crap that he can't name, it takes off in a horse to never be seen. Wasn't that ideal?

To some relief, training was next which was one of the blonde's favourite subjects at the moment. As a continuation from last lesson, they had to stay with the same person they were paired with. Bakugo decided to take it on the chin and get it over with as soon as possible.

Whereas, Kirishima made his way past the class to meet the pair. "Hey! I can swap with you Midobro."

Bakugo parted his lips in surprise.

"Oh! It's okay Kirishima-kun, you don't need to go through that trouble." Midoriya politely explained as he waved his hands around.

He wouldn't have that. "I insist, let's swap."

The cold glare made Midoriya move to the side, regardless. Kirishima quickly turned back to his natural smile as he led a confused Bakugo away, as if he was a sheep. "Come on, bro! I bet you can't match my sittups."

"What... the?" Midoriya uttered as he saw them wander to the other side of the room. He couldn't shake the anger in Kirishima's voice, did he do something wrong? But that doesn't make sense because he can't recall anything happening. Very odd, maybe he was in a bad mood already. He went to his new partner for the lesson, Koda, and no offense to the gentle rock but he missed the competitive and fond aura he got from Bakugo.

It was lunch time and Kirishima was hesitant to leave Bakugo. "Are you sure you'll be okay with the others? I can cancel if needed--."

"Shitty Hair, go to your damn nail painting club, I ain't weak. I'll be fine."

He smiled at the characteristic response from his friend and patted him reassuringly on the back before darting away, he was already five minutes late and every minute matters when perfecting the art of nails!

The emptiness returned at the same pace of Kirishima leaving. Slowly, it crawled up his back and sat on his shoulder. His eyes trailed to his palms as they closed. A fluffy ball of green hair moved towards Bakugo and he didn't need to wait another second before he told him to "fuck off" and stomped away. He felt empty and wanted to be empty so he went to the bathroom, locking himself in a cubicle and playing mobile games until the hour was over.

The stench of the room almost caused him to forget. Kirishima's antics confused him more each day, such as when he was walking towards the bathroom and bumped into Tetsutetsu, who apparently was assigned to be a stunt double of Kirishima until he returned. All it took was a pound coin and the iron boy took flight.

He knew he daydreamed a lot, barely able to recall the last few hours of his school day. Still now, he was in a daydream but closer to awareness. Large fluffy clouds occupied him as they lifted his feeble body into the sky, far away where he met the stars and they raced. Second place wasn't too shabby. Despite his parents equally venting their stresses of their decayed marriage on him, Bakugo didn't keep a log of what they said, deleting each word from memory as it passed his ear. It wasn't long after that he fell into a deep sleep.

Waking up, he mumbled his question aloud with a croak in his vocal chords. "When the hell did I fall asleep?"

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