Chapter 35 - apart - G

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Bakugo resumed with school and no further issues were met, things were unnaturally calm. His grades, acceptable and his appearance too, no one had any afterthoughts about the encounter with Monoma. Only one redhead pried but knew his bro wouldn't budge so it the least he could do was not to push any further.

Everything seemed to resolve itself with time, no matter what it was. Like rain. Something couldn't be fathomed in the ways issues solved themselves, nothing was needed or required, it was out of reach and comforting, comforting to know that he didn't need to do anything for it to be okay.

But as old issues dry out, new ones pour.

On a Thursday evening, Mitsuki called her son downstairs and he grimaced when he saw the killer glasses with the phone in hand. Ancient woman about to ask him some long winded questions and it really annoyed him. Despite that, he still gave her a chance and he stood in front of her. She tilted her phone and began to explain how she "accidently pressed a notification" which took her to "YouTube" -- but she couldn't close the app as it immediately took her to the "settings page", she was a new user and she wished to go through each settings with her son. What a mouthful, and the two butted their stubborn heads together when doing any task, even as small-scale as a piece of homework...

"For the line, you can make a triangle and find the hypotenuse." His mother advised.

"No, that's not the topic, Ma. We already learnt a method for measuring distances on a line."

"Well, you've gotten it wrong so clearly you don't know. Can't you figure out the hypotenuse? If you can't then I'm surprised you haven't failed maths, it's the easiest part."

He hung his head low and pierced his eyes at the ground. "It's not fucking trigonometry--."

A splendid memory of his homework bonding sessions with his mother, after that he didn't learn how to figure out that question but he did learn to ask his teachers instead if he needed help. Her old fashioned techniques coupled with her critical attitude wasn't helpful in the slightest. He came for help, not another scold. Maybe in his mother's world, the two meant the same thing.

Now back the present, Bakugo scanned a bright, white page with lists of text underneath. He resisted the urge (just about) to groan as this was a waste of his time. She had her glasses and a mind so she could figure this on her own, did she really need him?

At first, he relished in the thought that he was better than her at something, competition also going strong between the two. She acted as if she was full of perfections and superior to him or his father so these moments where he felt he was better than her was extremely rare. Unfortunately, he can't enjoy it because it leads to her following him constantly after school with that damn phone and glasses. It always ends the same way, though not as badly as this time.

Once she was contempt with her own settings, the blonde woman insisted on checking Katsuki's phone to make sure he was safe online too. He immediately refused, obviously, but she wouldn't accept it and wanted to at least view his settings.

"You ungrateful brat, can't I have a look at your phone? I do everything for you," she scolded, beginning a heated argument.

"No, it's my fucking phone and it's fine. I know how it is," the teen defended.

She took a step away from him and groaned. "Why does everything have to be fucking hard for me? Just once in my life can I have something? You and your dad get to enjoy yourselves everyday, just give me this. It won't even take long."

She was yelling at him and Bakugo refrained from letting it affect him, he knew he didn't do anything wrong.

"For fuck sakes Katsuki, give me the phone. You're being rude."

"Rude?!" He retorted. "You were the one that started yelling." Was she being serious?

"Oh, fuck off," she scoffed under her breath. "You're a real asshole."

His jaw dropped. "How am I being an asshole?"

She didn't reply, walking in circles with angry unintelligible scoffs. It was a ticking time bomb until one of them gave in and the son held his phone out with gritted teeth, "here. Fuckin' take it."

Her tone softened, "thank you." She grabbed it and began to look around while he leaned back on the couch. He departed as soon as she tossed his phone back and he went to his bedroom, shuffling under the covers with the peeking darkness. Don't be fucking weak, you don't cry about this shit anymore. A few tears left his eyes and he repaired the dam so he could keep it together. He would never let that woman get the satisfcation of him crying again.

It's like she knew the right words to hurt him and he hated it. Why and how could she do this? She's his mother, she's meant to love him and be there like Inko is. She wasn't, she even condemned the loving behaviour Masaru showed and there they were. Well, originally going for a divorce but who the hell could know where they're at now. She doesn't solely use those sharp words at Bakugo, no, she mostly does to his father. It isn't that often when she attacks Katsuki so he shouldn't be ungrateful for that, God knows how he could cope with the shit his father deals with. It's almost every two days she makes him cry over something, reduced to a pathetic state. Can he really blame his mother for it?

Regardless of the obvious emotions, he's struggled to understand his father. It wasn't tangible. On one day, he would blame himself and his poor life decisions, on the other day it was his wife's fault for verbally assaulting him. Then there were the times it was Katsuki's fault for being unlike the normal kids and having more "baggage".

It didn't take much for him to have a deep slumber that night, his mental state continously pushed to the limit, where the bare minimum of sleeping smelt luxurious.

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