Chapter 11 - Yarrow fields - U

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Bakugo spent most of the weekend refining his skills for Fifa, there were rages but progress was also made. Such as learning how to pass the ball behind the defenders for another footballer to get. Who knows, maybe he ended up enjoying this weekend more than the other ones recently. His parents didn't argue as much, probably as all they wanted to say had been said, and the fear of his father leaving him behind wasn't as strong due to the focus he had on this tournament. The tournament may be meaningless to indulge in, however, the distraction of wanting to win benefitted the boy emotionally. The chance for his mind to rest after the pleas it made.

On Monday...
Walking to school, really wanting his father to stay. But at the cost of him being miserable, made him feel torn. He knows he has stayed for enough years of hurt because he was born but now Bakugo wants him to stay longer? It's as if he only thought of how he felt. How selfish was he? Is it that difficult to consider other people, especially his own poor father. He shouldn't deserve anything, yet want.

He thought about it less during the lessons, although the brewing sensation of culpability remained in his stomach.

At lunch, he searched around and it took some minutes until he heard yelling from a classroom. He sat next to his friends and noticed that most were from his class but not everyone, some extras were from the other classes.

Apparently the two students organising it were Kendou and Sero, a surprising pair as students wouldn't expect those two to be friends. Truthfully, they knew each other since kids by being neighbours.

The two spent time that felt like literal hours explaining the rules and how it'll work and whatever other shit tournaments do, according to Bakugo. He was pulled back to reality when his name was called.

"Huh?" He muttered.

"It's your turn."

Forcing his mouth to stay closed, the saliva rolling down his throat nearly caused him to cough. Hands nested in his pockets as he trudged over to the table at the front where players sat to play. As he sat down and waited for the settings to be sorted, he noticed how it was put together, technically. One of the them must have brought their xbox console and connected it to the computer so the projector could enlarge it, smart. Did they even book this room or did they just steal it?

An xbox controller was passed to Bakugo and he fiddled with the joystick, mainly to test it as he chose a team. His parents supported Tottenham wholeheartedly, jumping up and down if the team scored and risking the floorboards sinking into the core of the earth. Ultimately, despite the few boos from extras that supported other teams, Bakugo stuck with the team his parent's adored. With Harry Kane scoring and Romero defending, that definitely also helps the chances of him winning with such quality players in his squad. His opponent, Tetsutetsu picked Manchester United and he didn't need to say anything, the blonde knew he was going to win.

By halftime, the blonde had two goals against the other and he was smiling at Bakugo but he knew that the guy deep down was pissed off about it but oh well, sucks to be him. Bakugo clicked his knuckles as he waited for the second half and saw his group run over to cheer him on.

"Bro, you're amazing at this!" Kirishima cheered.

"Go Bakubabe!" Mina clapped.

"You should have picked Chelsea!"

"Fuck off, Pikachu." Bakugo scoffed to Kaminari.

Sero warned them and they got their hands ready on the controller. On the count of four, the game resumed and Tetsutetsu began with the football, passing it back to defense and between them until an opening was available. The amount of patience Bakugo had left was negative as he sprinted his attackers towards the ball in attempts to retrieve it, with not being lucky.

"Oh for fuck sakes." Bakugo grunted as he tackled a player and got a yellow card for it being sloppy. The other tried to pass the ball forward and that's when Bakugo's player strode in to intercept. Without a second to waste, the players ran the other direction, breaking past all the defenders. A corner from the left and then a header combined to form Bakugo's third goal.

After that, he became lazy and simply parked the bus (keeping all his players near his goalpost to defend), not giving his opponent the chance to attack. The match finished with a score of 3-0 and Bakugo hopped off and walked away from the table like a champion, forgetting that he should have shaked the other's hand.

"Cocky bastard," Tetsutetsu sneered as Kendou patted her classmate on the back.

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