Chapter 27 - Heal more - I

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Saturday came along and Bakugo fixed his blazer, sniffing his armpits just to make sure the spray was working. He left the bathroom and went downstairs, avoiding the teases from his mother.

"You have friends now, hmm?"

"Whatever." He retorted whilst closing the door.

He grabbed a bus and walked for five minutes until he was at the entrance of a funpark, as the note suggested. This was a day where he would treat his boyfriend well, lounge about on the rides and maybe even win him a prize or something to show his capabilities. Today his mission was to make up for the stresses he has put the freckled boy through.

Although, he knew nothing would be enough to fix that. His existence was, well, irredeemable.

But just maybe he could take a step further towards being better, it's worth giving that step no matter the size.

Away from those thoughts that could last a decade, he lifted his face to view the bouncing neon lights. Confetti coated it, as if it was a child's dream party. Subtle beats of songs he couldn't name passed around with screams from impressive heights. A voice spoke above it:


Bakugo turned and grinned at the other as he stumbled past strangers with apologies, until they met. Izuku learned forward with a delicate kiss on the cheek and Bakugo paused, feeling a burn in the place kissed as he pushed himself to take the other's hand. They were ready to go.

"Come along, nerd."

Parents hushed crying children, whilst teenagers took long and exasperated exhales from their vapes. From passing conversation, one of the flavours was a mint chocolate ice cream. Bakugo tutted at the nonsense and kept his stride as they reached the centre of the fair. He turned to his boyfriend and asked where they should go first.

"I love the ones that spin in circles, like those tea cups."

He scanned around for a ride that matched the poor description and there it was, cup-shaped carts that spun quickly and harshly. He liked that type of ride as well so they didn't waste time getting on it. Bakugo allowed the shorter boy to sit first, then he pulled the bar down to cover them as he didn't trust those workers. No offense but most of them seemed high as a kite.

A snotty man walked around and didn't touch their bar so the blonde assumed he did a pretty good job. He felt a poke on his shoulder and flinched.

"Are you alright?" Izuku asked with his eyebrows creased.

The blonde scanned over his face and quickly mastered up a smile that could pass as genuine. The type of smile that tells you, 'I'm a-okay, just taking in the moment' and 'don't ya worry about me'. The question soon disappeared as the cart began to twirl from left to right, causing some teenagers to scream mockingly at the lack of motion.

What a bunch of losers.

The ride picked up in pace and soon the whole orbit moved in a fast circle, the individual planet of carts moving in their own circles. A man wandered from each cart and pushed it to excell in it's speed. As the man pushed Bakugo's cart, he fell against Izuku with a large blush. The other giggled as he lifted his arms to feel the rush of the wind between his fingers. Then it shifted to Izuku leaning against Bakugo as he pretended to gag. The other rolled his eyes at the childish behaviour.

They were in a whirl as they left the cart, leaning against each other for strength. Bakugo traced his thumb against Izuku's shoulder as the other groaned in dizziness.

"Well then, what next?"

"Let's go on another one."

"Are you stupid?! We can barely walk." Bakugo yelled.

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