Chapter 15 - Orchid fields - G

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Bakugo's neck rolled as he stretched his muscles after the power nap he had for the past hour. The school's nurse quickly passed him a plastic cup of cold water and without a word of disagreement, it was gulped down.

"It is the end of the day, you're free to leave whenever you feel ready." She told the boy.

"I guess I will go now, thank you."

"You're welcome. Don't forget to tend your needs."

He playfully waved her concerns away and walked home. On the way, he passed some lively shops to see couples ordering lunch, whereas, another couple took turns pushing each other on the swings at that local park. I guess no one waited for me, not that I need it, Bakugo thought to himself as tiny rocks were kicked onto the road. He couldn't have known about Midoriya checking in on him twenty minutes after as he didn't stick around. To Bakugo, he felt a sadness that was iced in the drink of his bloodstream.

The wind that kept his sadness frozen dispatched, replaced by the sun above his home that melted it, making the emotion raw and new. His father laid on the couch, curled up and shaking. The TV buzzed an anthem of a quiz show.

Bakugo poked past the door and called out to him, eventually walking up stairs as the older man couldn't respond. Hours passed around in the boy's room, unpleasantly. He occupied himself with a video game but after some time, he grew bored of it and saved his progress in Assassin's Creed. Another string of his chest was plucked by the hand of guilt as he debated further on if he should check up on his father. Especially, after the scolding he heard from his mother, no doubting that she took out her day's fustration on him. A deep breath and he lifted himself off the ground. He walked down the stairs. His arm traced along the lime-green handrail. His body remained still, in front of the other and he looked down to observe.

Dry brown eyeballs.
Tear-stained skull.

Bakugo nearly coughed on his spit as he tried to balance his words with his rapid breaths. "Dad...?"

His father, a man stereotyped to protect their family, sturdy and strong. He was none of those things, moreso now when he struggled to even open his mouth. Bakugo had no clue what was said, processing it as incoherent groans. It didn't look like his dad, it was more comparable to a corpse.

My fault for keeping him with that woman... If I wasn't... If...

Finally, he made sense. "Kat..."

Bakugo kneeled next to the couch so he could place his palm on his father's forehead; very warm. A fever.

After giving him some water and helping him to sit upwards, his phone in his back pocket buzzed so the boy pulled it out to check the message from his mother. Most were angry messages about his father but it provided context for their latest dispute.

"Uh, why is mum annoyed about you being protective and shit?"

Masaru wiped his forehead with a sigh. "Your mother left to see your grandpa and I'm not well so I wanted you to stay at the Midoriya's for the night. That way you're in a safe place."

"But dad--, I'm not a kid anymore, I'm fine. I will literally just go upstairs and sleep, it's fine."

"You're also close with her son and I know you haven't been hanging out with anyone much so I don't want your mother to take that away from you, too."

Perplexed, his eyes met the seemingly less dry eyes. He knew his father's eyes were saturated with desperation and he couldn't find it within himself to decline. But first, "what about mum?" He asked.

"Fuck her, she can deal with me. Go upstairs and put on a comfy outfit and I will message Inko so she knows."

When Bakugo pulled on his skull shirt, he truly realised where he was going. How embarassing? Will he even be okay with him suddenly appearing on his doorstep like a charity case? There's no way he could play this off as normal. Let's check all the essentials once more, then he can met his dad downstairs.

After losing to Masaru's nagging, his son ended up leaving the house with a backpack and a fluffy coat. The blonde yanked the door open as he dropped on the passenger seat. A yawn escaped his lips as he hid it with a fist. Much more recovered - primarily due to determination - his father was, pulling the gear stick to drive. The sun was completely asleep, letting the moon take it's shift as the sky kept to a navy blue with howls from around. The car was parked nearby and his father opened the door for Bakugo after checking there were no passing cars. The other scoffed and grabbed his stuff, cheeks turning pink from embarassment of the whole situation he was in. Was it worth checking on his father?

Crackles erupted from below as the two trotted over to the Midoriya household, pressing the doorbell and waiting. They didn't wait long as Inko opened the door with a large smile across her face.

"Masaru! You look wonderful."

He chuckled and thanked her, sending compliments of his own as the two continued to catch up over the past few months. Bakugo ended up zoning out, focusing on a startled Izuku who shyly waved at him before he began walking over. His cheeks turned into a burning red, there's no getting out of this. Shuffling past his mother, the shorter boy bowed at Bakugo.

"Follow me, you must be cold!"

Bakugo didn't reply verbally and followed him inside. His coat was hung on the racks and bag placed on the carpet next to his feet. The green-haired was as polite as ever. He ended up with his legs crossed as the other brought him a glass of water with a straw, the straw was not needed but Bakugo decided to keep that remark to himself. Turning his head to check on his dad, he wasn't surprised to see the two still talking. Masaru pretty much carried the same joyous expression as the woman.

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