They called off the divorce.
Alright, we can step back a moment and process it. Process it?! Bakugo's inner dialogue croaked. There isn't any way I'm processing it. But here the boy was, standing when it happened...
It was thirty minutes prior, feet parked next to the hinge of the door as his parents sat on the bed. His father fixed his glasses whilst Mitsuki clicked her tongue. Eyelids buttered her red irises. "What?"
"I asked, what's going on with that paper shit."
Masaru watched his wife like a lost puppy. She almost felt like patting him on the head. "Well, brat. We called it off. Don't need to, we'll be fine."
Nothing else mattered and all the walls around him greyed and withered. Each step away from the scene, burning the carpet below. He didn't cry, or speak. Not one music note came out as he retreated to his room. His shoulder nudged the door shut and he leaned against it.
Everything was now grey and the ceiling dissipated, revealing a stark sky. Whispers of the wind to make him shudder. The walls fell backwards and a burnt cold field extended to the north. Protecting his eyes with an arm, Bakugo proceeded past his carpet and winced at the ashy ground.
So, this is it, He paused.
The same thing each time, a cycle of seasons. What made him think this time would be different? They've mentioned divorcing over the years on numerous occasions but in fairness, it was never held on to for this long. Was paperwork even sent or was that another lie? He didn't know why he fell for this same old lie anymore, he wasn't even relieved that the decision was abolished, instead, he felt... he felt adrift. It didn't really matter, but after it all... it'll just repeat again, give it a few months.
He closed his eyes and sighed, as long as a seventeen year old could. Adulthood around the corner, a new turn in things, the only thing giving him a source of hope for this ridiculous cycle to end. He could move out! Make his own income, continue his heroic pursuit to better the world. Help younger kids who cried because their parents threatened to leave-
Fuck. Fuck it. His parents never listened to him -- they only heard him. All this effort and continuity... sucked. What was he trying for or whom? Surely, surely they had to have some awareness. There it was, a chance! For him to feel his tyranny of keeping them together had ended, they could have some years of joy. He just refused to fathom the idea of them remaining together to be so attractive. Not attractive-- more, suiting. Whatever.
Deep below in his conscience, the grip of guilt raised his trembling fist and the bathroom window was in sight. He punched it and met even more disappointment, the glass didn't shatter. Nothing seemed to be letting go. Again, he went to punch it and only mere vibrations. The punches were far from weak so what could be wrong?
Bakugo couldn't even smash glass. He couldn't cry. He couldn't do anything. I'm a let down. He questioned if that's all he will ever be. His destiny or sorts.
"Son, you alright?" His father imposed.
He sighed and kept his face neutral. "Oh yeah, I dropped some shit."
Masaru didn't bother checking the claim and then left. Man, was he gullible. But he did take the chance to see his mother alone, it was exactly like two dogs who didn't like each other.
"Why... you both? I don't get it."
"It's complicated," she began. "Your dad is doing his best, he just is an idiot."
"That's it?"
"Listen, he is trying is best."
"He fucks up all the time."
"Katsuki. Don't talk about your father like that." She glared.
He was speechless at the irony, lost in how to make sense to her. It was like she had amnesia. But she knew. She knew and decided to go against everything.
"But he makes you miserable."
"Not all relationships are easy."
Did it make it justified? He opened his mouth and nothing left.
The conversation was at a dead end and Bakugo couldn't get through to his mother but maybe his father...
This wasn't like two dogs fighting, instead, it was a duck and a hen.
"Dad, I want to talk."
He closed his phone and put his glasses away, "what about?"
"You're okay with being here? You're never happy so why--."
"No, no. I am happy I just have those days, it's normal."
But he thinks it isn't normal for you to wish for your own demise. You can't lie about that.
"You would be so much happier with your family."
"And go where, Kats? There's no where for me to stay. I'm happy here, I have my job."
He was running in circles and his head began to whirl. God knows why he is encouraging them to separate when he wants to be with them both but life has a way of turning into the unexpected. Regardless, they were being ridiculous and it can't all be nothing. Not after all that. Christmas and before, hell even on his birthdays and now it's... normal. He hated that word as it was one easy way to deny all the tears and blood shed.
He had to deal with three more months though, it's realistic but it doesn't make him feel much better about it. Maybe that's the way to have them find happiness again, they constantly reiterated how they would separate once Bakugo was old enough and independent. That's probably a lie too. Even if it is, it's something to help ease the pain. At this point, denial is the door to pass through.
On top of that, he has seen that it isn't normal. In the rare times he visited other families and couples, he saw what a true family was like. The commitments, laughter, willing support if one fell, they wanted to be together.
At least they had the choice.
It's all a headache in his head he needs to lay down so he collapsed on his bed and let the day end. Food wasn't necessary. He didn't want another dinner together, but nothing ever heard him.
After being almost dragged by the ear from his mother's claw, he sat at the dining table with the two as they served themselves chips to go with their burger. He didn't attempt to get any but his father already poured half the damn bowl onto his plate so that didn't do much. He ate a little bit and started to accept the silence.
"You heard about the new striker we're going for?" Mitsuki asked.
"Oh that Argentinian who plays for Juve?" Her husband responded.
Somehow, they made simple conversation natural and possible but they never did it usually, they didn't want to. They did it when they had to, like when your teenage son demands the divorce already so anticipated for to happen, y'know? The "normal" stuff.
Stay with me!
Fanfiction-------FANFICTION------- Bakugo's family having issues between each other was no surprise to anyone. However, things began to escalate to the point of a permament change. He already felt an intense amount of guilt for the situation he put his parent...