Chapter 9 - Pineapple skies - T

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Bakugo couldn't concentrate on the independent work the class was given, agitation to the bone. His leg bounced repetitively as his eyes often rolled back towards Midoriya, almost checking that he was still there. In fact, he was writing away to the questions, his focused face regained. It was a reminder of the nerving past, a time when this was frequent. It wasn't rocket science that the bullying, himself and his friends exerted on Midoriya had an effect.

One time in particular...

No one could have been older than ten. Bakugo stood with his two friends behind him, Midoriya kneeled in tears. Nico had a face Bakugo couldn't remember, pointing at the boy below them. "Boys don't cry, look how weak the quirkless one is."

Insults spurring, mainly from the two next to him as he stood menacingly with his arms crossed. When the boy struggled to gasp for air, the two decided they had enough enjoyment and parted, expecting Bakugo to finish him off. Bakugo waited some time before kneeling at the boy, eye to eye.

"Kacc'an?" He sniffed.

"It's me. The others are gone."

Midoriya opened his eyes to check and felt overwhelming relief at the news. "Cc-an? Ice cream?"

"In a minute, you need to breathe." Bakugo sat next to Midoriya and waited. Afterwards, they walked together and Midoriya asked a question that he couldn't let himself forget.

"Why do you help me when I'm worthless?"

He gripped his pencil with his pale palm, checking on Midoriya to see that he was still writing. Bakugo barely finished the first question. He'd hide the sheet from the teacher and complete it in his own time, the topic was something he knew well about when he was in the mood. His ego made it difficult to show his empathy, believing it would be a flaw. And he hated himself for believing that for so long, so selfish for letting his friend hurt. He wanted to care less of others and choose how he responded, free of the weight of judgement. So, when he saw Midoriya brought to a state he knew too well, it was only right that he helped. As well as what Todoroki told him.

Was it the right thing to ignore his social identity? To think on an answer meant he would fall into a rabbit hole. He had to do, not think on it. Follow his intuition instead the warped logic he was taught as a prized child.

With the sudden... quirk, Midoriya's self esteem grew and Bakugo noticed it and boy was he glad. In that time, he tried his best to embrace it without preventing the achievements his friend was making. When he saw someone else hinder that progress, he ran to Midoriya to help as the others didn't do enough in Bakugo's opinion.

What didn't make any sense was the person Midoriya lost it at, Uraraka. The girl that had no issue scolding Bakugo for his treatment of the boy and now she distressed him? He wanted to figure it out but he couldn't on his own.

Midoriya was the one to next engage with the blonde, he went towards him when that final lesson ended. Meekly, he spoke to Bakugo. "Thank you for earlier."

Bakugo leaned his arms against the desk, still sat as he looked up. "It's fine, nerd."

"I found out one of my friends, well you know, her. She said some things without even asking me and I wouldn't let her, Kacchan. She doesn't understand and--."

"Quit mumbling, it's hot as hell in here. Let's go outside and we can talk about it there."

"Okay." Midoriya patiently waited for Bakugo and followed him outside. There wasn't a ray of sun in sight.

When the time came, neither knew how to begin on it. Both with questions on their mind.

"Nerd," Bakugo looked up at the bright clouds, squinting.

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