Chapter 34 - how about we try again?

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Not even God could answer how his mother -- queen of ice -- approved Midoriya staying over for the night. However, she did warn him that he needed to improve and that this wasn't the end. He still took it as a win in his mind and he almost, just almost skipped back to his room where the curly haired boy was examining a burnt pencil. A pencil could be burnt in your bedroom? He was asking the same question.

Bakugo closed the door without hiding his burning smile, "she said yes!"

"Really?! Awesome." He fell into the other's embrace and they spun slightly.

The sunset dissipated and left a charcoal-blue sky with cold swivels of wind, the windows were shut and the curtains pulled down. An explosion-shaped lamp was switched on to bring warmth between the two.

As Bakugo didn't bother changing last night's pjs, he was ready for a decent slumber and he cocooned himself under the blankets. The younger boy swept forward, squeezing himself next to his boyfriend as he fought the harsh bedframe and tight clothes he wore. The continous shift caught the blonde's attention so he stood up, alerting the other, "I'll get you some comfier clothes, I got spares."

"Wait, wait. It's okay!" He politely declined but it was no use when the other was already out the room.

There were creaks among the floorboard as Bakugo returned with red shorts and a silky shirt that he threw at Midoriya. The other stumbled to catch it, moving off the bed as he swapped his clothes and immediately, comfort was felt as he slid back into the blankets like a sledge on snow. Soon, his head rested on Bakugo's shoulder and he softly hummed.

"Do you believe in stars? They say when you see the first one in the sky, you should make a wish."

Bakugo looked ahead at the covered windows, deep in his thoughts. The room lifted into the air where the stars could be reached and caressed and the moon could blow kisses. Walls didn't exist here, only what you could reach was the limit and everything called for his palms. There! One shining star that reflected his spiky hair, like his loved one said, he'll send a phone the star's way. So with the quietest whisper in his head, he held his palms together and wished as hard as he could.

I wish to like myself a little more.

In his opinion, for that to occur it would be a simple miracle nor did he want to be greedy. Afterwards, more stars dotted the sky and spun around him in an everlasting song. His hand, leaning forward, outstretched, nearly touching a star when he blinked -- he was back in his room, with the shorter boy likely asleep. He retreated his hand and worked his way around without waking Midoriya up. He crept to turn the light off, when he registered a mumble which caused him to stop moving. He listened carefully to the repeat:

"Where did you go?"

"I'm right here, silly Izu." He clicked the switch and climbed back to bed, instantly, finding the other clinging to his side for warmth like a koala.

For ten minutes, he kept his eyes closed and thought he would drift off to sleep. He was still awake. Things started to turn less desirable when his left arm became numb and he couldn't dare move as his boyfriend duties would beat his ass--.

How would he sleep now?

Surely, at some point...

Okay, it just struck midnight and it would be wise to sleep. Give it ten more minutes. It's been thirty, fuck it. He wiggled his screw of an arm until it was loose and rolled onto his side and sweet relief! He quickly listened and relaxed once he heard the the teen's gentle snores. It worked well and a part of himself felt stupid for not handling this earlier but it was sorted now and enough time was wasted so without haste, he wrapped his arms around his pillow and slept.


In the morning as himself and Midoriya got ready for school, his mother wasn't in sight. She had been avoiding him since the green-haired boy arrived and it wasn't too surprising, it was easier to keep it together that way. He clung to the warmth of that teen, resisting his mother's freezing breaths she casted up upon the house. His father must have been at work this time for he wasn't seen at all.

Bakugo threw his bag on and the two finally left into the foggy distance.

They were seperated when they entered the school grounds. Bakugo was sent straight to Headmaster Nezu's office to reflect on his behaviours whereas Midoriya, allowed to return to class as usual despite the unwillingness. He wanted to go with the blonde and after some pleads, he accepted the decision and stepped away before he himself was talking with a teacher for poor behaviour. It was difficult to settle at first, leg bouncing under the table, eyes whirling in circles. He saw Todoroki's gaze and wandered over, falling into a deep conversation that helped to calm him down.

Meanwhile in Nezu's chalky office... Bakugo hung his head low, waiting for the meeting to begin. Mic wasn't here this time, only Nezu and Aizawa. He assumed that Mic updated his homeroom teacher about the situation.

The door opened and he immediately froze when seeing his father enter and sit right next to him. No one told him that would happen, he thought--

"Right, let's start this." Aizawa commented.

He wasn't as cheerful to be with his father at the moment but it could have been much worse, with his mother. At least he was gentler. Observing his father's face, the blonde saw an appearance of calmness which wasn't often. He felt reassurance as a result.

Nezu continued, "we have talked to Monoma and he won't press any charges. But he requests for distance so I'm sure we can compromise so you two aren't together often. You've been lucky as this scenario could have been much more serious, especially for an aspiring hero like yourself. I hope you've reflected on it and can assure us that this won't happen again."

Bakugo stared at the ground, feeling a nudge on his shoulder. "It won't."

"Good, you can go back to class now." He smiled now, somehow making it feel worse as the boy stood up and followed Aizawa to their first class.

He thought it was over, it surely seemed to be but an untold conversation was to take place later. Aizawa wanted the student to settle first then they can discuss the concerns about his family situation and most importantly, his wellbeing.

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