Chapter 21 - Feel less - U

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There wasn't any further updates between his parents, remaining roughly the same in knowledge: they were waiting for the divorce papers. Either the divorce workers were incompetent or one of them was lying. They barely spoke to each other, surviving separately as if they were unknown. They both went their separate ways despite the similarity of a red-bricked roof. Ironically, they continued their daily duties as if the divorce never happened.

It was comforting, almost like a hug that dug into your skin, that type of comfort. His father seemed to be healthy which removed worries of weeds from his mind, making it easier to breathe. He returned the school the next day and the masquerade slid on to his face, behaviours and performing into his tough persona. That was Katsuki Bakugo. The teen that marched in, slammed his hands on the table as the door did behind him with a menacing cackle.

He thought that he slid through the concerns like butter but Midoriya gripped on, analysing his emotions. Respectfully, the freckled boy gave him space for comfort and waited for a chance to bring it up in private: the usual plan. It's not that his boyfriend was acting significantly different, he just wanted to remind Bakugo that breathing was also allowed. He could lean back on him, use him for comfort and to find his steps, if only the blonde would accept that option. It would take time though, and time he has.

"Problem kid, over here." Aizawa motioned with his hand and watched the student shuffle over as the last of his peers left.

"Sensei, is there something wrong?" Midoriya fiddled with his fingers.

"No, not at all. It's more that I don't wish to pry but my intuition tells me that one of the students has more going on than meets the eye."

"Do you mean Kacchan?"

Aizawa nods, leaning back in his chair. "You two have been talking more, do you know if he's doing okay?"

"Things have been hard for him. You'll have to ask him yourself, I'm doing my best to be there."

"As long as someone is supporting him." Aizawa agreed, allowing his student to leave the class.

As he left the room, he noticed Bakugo leaning against the lockers with his arms crossed.

"Nerd." Bakugo began.

"Oh, were you waiting for me?"

"Of course not... well what do you think? Whatever, I know Aizawa asked about me."

The shorter boy widened his eyes.

"Don't look so surprised, he made it obvious with constantly looking at me. Did you tell him anything?"

"I didn't because that is your information."

He sighed, indicating that a part of him worried for the worst. "Right. I'll go then, see you later."

"Wait! Don't you want to hang out?" Midoriya tugged at his sleeve, softened eyes that no one could refuse.

"Maybe later." Bakugo closed his eyes, gritting his teeth, "sorry..." Barely audible but heard.

The other was quick to reassure him. "No, no. You're okay! But please talk to me if you need it, I just don't want you to deal with this on your own."

He looked downwards, avoiding that gaze. "I know."

But why did that hurt so much? He was now in the bathroom again, scratching his head and questioning his choices. He deserved it, right? This... away from bothering people. Why doesn't it end? Is his purpose to cause misfortune? "Why am I alive?" He croaked, collapsing onto himself. His eyes didn't even water, It was blocked in a dam and he couldn't remove it, stuck in this broken state. He rose after the end of lunch and passed through the doors, seeing his expressionless face. Damn, he felt dead. The door's handle bashed his elbow and he gripped it, shuffling to his class. He opened the door and stared at unfamiliar students. Fuck.

"My bad." Bakugo sighed, turning and sprinting away.

This time he reached his class and ignored the mention of the time, plopping in his seat and scowling. To make matters perfect, his head began to ache and at the end of the lesson he was ready to bash his head in.

He put his head down, groaning. His body was lifted and he saw Midoriya with furrowed eyebrows. He put his arm around the boy and began to lead him out the class.

"Izuku..." He mumbled, watching his fluffy hair bounce.

His mind brought him to a herd of sheep, all trapped with him in this oddly coloured fence. Most of them were unattractive and wild, grey coloured furrcoats. Amongst them, Bakugo's eye was fixed on a green sheep that walked towards him, bending his head for a soft pat. The blonde hesitated and then reached, resting his hand on the animal and moving the other to join, squishing the soft fur that warmed his palms.
"You're not ugly like the other sheep." Bakugo spoke, more to himself. The other gurgled and then walked away.
"What? Come back." He declared, following the green fur into the area as it transformed into a forest. He kicked away the sticks, continuing until the sheep stopped. He saw a cloaked figure ahead, kneeling down to grab the sheep and yank its head, ignoring the wails to be freed. Bakugo slipped forwards, unable to reach and save the sheep and soon it was headless.

Bakugo wheezed, turning his head around and noticing his palms. He muttered a cuss word and wiped his forehead, adjusting to the place that was his home. From the returned shouting from dostairs, he was definitely no where else than home. His feet met the ground and he walked to his window, pushing the curtains to the side. His eyes gazed above to the cloudy sky, recovering from a storm. The windows opened and his face squinted at the smashing winds.

A song... a way to express himself, he couldn't speak or explain it. He shared the link to Midoriya and then played the song on the ledge, embracing the continous breeze.

"Don't want to call you in the night time... don't want to give you all my pieces..." Bakugo swiped at his forehead, preventing the headache from making a duet.

He looked at the flickering stars, whispering the part that meant the most, "don't want to give you all my demons, you'll have to watch me struggle from several rooms away... but tonight, I need you to stay."

Twenty minutes passed, with the plan to extend it. Sleep wasn't on the list or anything else, it all tasted sour to him. However, he couldn't keep listening to a song when the phone rang so he picked it up.


"Look down!" Midoriya instructed.

The other raised an eyebrow and looked downwards, seeing a speck of green. "The fuck?!"

"I heard the song!" He yelled.

"Shut up, you'll wake the damn neighbours. Get up here."

"Uh... how do I?"

"Figure it out." He ended the call and sat on the bed, examining his bitten nails.

Eventually, Midoriya reached Bakugo's window and climbed inside, panting like a poodle. He stomped over and tackled the blonde, ignoring his squeals. Bakugo reached for a pillow and hit it on his boyfriend's head, hearing soft giggles. Red eyes began to loosen from the strong hold it kept.

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