Chapter 23 - Speak less - L

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He heard noises from around, ending his slumber as his eyes snapped open. Groggily, his head turned and he saw his father. The brunette stared back at his son in silence before placing his folded clothes on the desk and leaving. Bakugo stared into the wall where he one was, finally connecting the pattern to understand that his father was still pissed at him for starting yesterday's meltdown. Bakugo didn't care that much, but it was quite uncomfortable to have stares with those darkened eyes. There wasn't too much he could do about it, waiting until his father cooled down and acknowledged him again. School was a pain in the neck, he didn't feel up for it today but choices didn't exist so he stumbled out of bed.

Sloppily, his clothes hugged him as he shoved his shoes on, closing the door behind him. He began his walk with lightened sighs, shoving his hands into his pockets to preserve their warmth. The mornings were always too chilly for his liking but he sucked it up. It's not as if he had a weather quirk. His face scrunched up at the thought of his anger with Momo, it was extremely petty. His shoulders tensed and he shook his head. It's in the past, but his mind didn't agree, the continuous probing until he entered UA's grounds. The teen licked his lips and yanked the door far open so he could easily walk through, noticing that he was first. His seat was nearly frozen, making him curl up on himself when he watched videos on his phone to pass the time.

He smiled at the latest stream his content creator did, Angry Ginge. His rages and behaviour was hilarious and endearing, a distraction that never failed to please the student when his mind became foggy of negativity. His body sank when he heard his teacher's voice, shoving the phone back into his bag. It was surprising to see Midoriya in his seat, he didn't even exchange a word with the blonde and that was against the norm. Bakugo found it easy to question if he did anything to cause it but his longing for control dusted the intrusive thought away from his cave.

His palms were drenched in sweat as he swiped his hair back, watching his friends as they walked ahead of him. Two speckles of hobbling where his eyes had to squint to get a proper hold of, not even his palm would touch them. His body turned with parted lips and widened eyes, witnessing the lobby of speckles. He checked the palms, assuming he was a speck too until realisation closed the bubble around him, the only one that wasn't. Apart from himself, everyone was a dot. What did he miss?

When they disappeared, he was left alone. The green lights reflected off him as he searched the cobbled floors for others. But it couldn't be grasped.

The teen rested on his elbows, reawakened in the world. The passing conversation kept him softened, strangely tired. His mind was in another place, leaving his body in comfort. Pillow world took hold of his mind.

"...zuku...." Bakugo softly sighed.

Their break between lessons finished and he was grabbed by the shoulders, taken by Kirishima to training class. His eyed trailed to the toothy smile given. His breaths lingering as if he didn't want the moment to end. They grabbed rackets and hit the ball to each other, smiles as the blonde listened to Kirishima's day. He felt the enjoyment his friend had, the excitement when he went home and his mothers brought takeout like the usual on a Thursday night. The warmth when Mina hugs the redhead, being almost like a real teddy bear.

Whack. The ball dribbled to the end of the court and Kirishima instantly ran towards it, leaving the other to breathe. Some tears left his eyes but he still smiled for his friend, squeezing his eyes shut to end the mistake. Go back to feeling nothing, nothing is better. But this moment was tender, it pressed into his heart for reasons he never would know.

"I'm back! Alright, how about we team up and go against another pair?"

Bakugo walked towards him and they searched until joining Sero and Kaminari, no surprises there. He waited behind with his worn racket whilst Kirishima threw the ball to the air and hit it with his glimmering racket. Sero used his height and reached to hit the ball before it went out and it proceeded between the two, Bakugo crossing his arms as Denki stuck his tongue out.

That plonker.

The sun slided past Kirishima's grin, his arm swinging the racket like a paintbrush with enthusiasm.

He wondered where Izuku was. Was he having enjoyment with his group? It was tempting so his head turned to look around and his mouth parted at the brunette next to him, her arm around his neck. It dried any sense of emotion that returned with Kirishima. Was he stunned or emptied?

Why wasn't he angry? How... why? Where was the burn? It was... as if he was contempt with it, which would never happen. But his body disagreed with functioning and here he was, head in the clouds. The green ball moved towards him and he quickly raised his hand to grab it, clenching onto the stinging as it made contact. His eyes narrowed and Kirishima gasped.

"Bro! You're amazing at reacting, well done!"

Sero interrupted. "It's still a point to me and Kami."

He tutted in response and Bakugo passed the ball to his partner, allowing him to continue the game. They tied ultimately and Bakugo left them behind, wanting to get a headstart in changing his clothes back. He grabbed the buttoned shirt and threw it over his shoulders when Midoriya joined next to him.

"Hey Kacchan!"

Watching the shorter boy, to confirm his sincerity, he accepted it. The morning was a misunderstanding and he still loved him, he didn't hate him. That was when Bakugo's voice recovered.

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