3 (Lemon)

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Outside, Y/n was kinda upset that her fun was ended so abruptly. Her heels clacked against the pavement as they walked to Ichigo's car. Ichigo dropped Renji and Rukia off and then started for Y/n's place when Grimmjow said, "Goto my place, and I'll take her home."

"You sure bro?"


Grimmjow didn't even bother to see if that's what she wanted. Y/n had had her arms crossed, and she uncrossed them with her jaw lowering a bit at Grimmjow's actions while he made plans for her. She crossed her arms again, sitting in the chair as if she had been caught doing something wrong.

"See ya you two." Ichigo says dropping them off at Grimmjow's car.

"Byeeee Y/nnn!" Orihime says waving.

Y/n waves nervously as she gets out and stands awkwardly by his car. Grimmjow waits for them to drive away, and then he says, "Get your ass in the car Y/n."


The ride home is silent, Y/n fidgets with her fingers. Y/n feels less nervous once he parks, "I'll see you later. Thanks f-for the-" Y/n's words pause when he presses the ignition button and switches the car off. "Get your ass upstairs."

"Fuckkkk oh my-" Y/n's head is backrest of the couch, they didn't even make it to the bedroom

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"Fuckkkk oh my-" Y/n's head is backrest of the couch, they didn't even make it to the bedroom. Y/n's whole bodysuit is on the ground, and Grimmjow's pants are around his ankles. Y/n can't even think right now, this is the most pleasurable thing she's felt in ages.

"The fuck is the matter with you dancing with somebody else- huh?" His words fly by her but his thrusts hit her like a truck. "I wanted to grab your ass and yolk you up right in front of that man, who the fuck was he anyway?" He says fucking deeper into her. He gets no response, "Huh?" His voice raised a bit.

"I-I don't.. Fuckk." She breathes. 

"You know somethin. Who was he?"

Grimmjow was beating her with his dick, a brutal beating that she wanted. "Don't let that shit happen again Y/n." His pace quickens and he tosses his head back when he feels her tighten around him, "You hear me?" She nods her head, clutching the pillows on the couch next to her. Grimmjow hisses in between curses, he's about cum but this time he pulls her in to take her lips, moaning against them. He plows into her one final time, before unloading groaning with each spurt. Out of nowhere his phone is ringing loud as hell, it's on the floor by the front door. He dropped it on the way in when he scooped Y/n up. He pulls out, letting her breathe and relax. Grimmjow pulls his pants up, zips them up but doesn't button them and grabs the phone. He sucks his teeth looking at the name, silencing it, and tossing it in his pocket. Y/n gets cozy on the couch, closes her legs, and places her hands under her head in a sleep position. Grimmjow looks at her with a smirk and walks back over to her grabbing her face and stealing a kiss.

"Who was that?" Y/n asked, "You sounded upset."

"Nobody important." He dismisses the question.

Grimmjow scoops her up again and starts to walk to the back room, "Wait my clothes are shoes are on the floor." Y/n tries to say but he keeps walking and says, "They'll be there when you get up in the morning."

Grimmjow x reader CHEATER EDITIONWhere stories live. Discover now