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Y/n is about 20 minutes away from her house now, she continued to walk and sigh along the sidewalk. Thinking of how there was absolutely no way this day could get any worse than what it was, a raindrop falls by her foot. Then another one, until the clouds couldn't hold it any longer and it came pouring down. She ran to the nearest awning which conveniently was a store, she walked in feeling the cool air on her wet skin. It gave her goosebumps as she walked to the refrigerated section and grabbed water. She looked at the chips aisle, reaching unconsciously to grab a bag that she wasn't even fond of. Holding the bag in hand as she looked at it, she realized only one person she knew liked this particular flavor. It was a bag of Lay's x Doritos Cool Ranch flavor, Grimmjow's favorite seasonal bag. Y/n had no idea why she grabbed the bag, but she put it back and went towards the front to pay. She looked down at her feet, sluggishly moving along as the line progressed. She was in her head thinking again and only looked up for a second. When she did, Grimmjow was in front of her, and their eyes caught one another.

He flashes a quick smirk, "Y/n... looks like you got caught in it huh?" He says pulling up the hood on his jacket.

"Y-yeah." She looks away and then back at him, "So-"

"Have a good day." He walks away and out the store, cutting her off.

Y/n stood so confused holding up the line. She put the water bottle down and started for the door looking one way and then the other. Grimmjow wasn't that far away, but Y/n followed down the sidewalk as he hurried his steps to get out of the rain. Y/n tried to catch up to him, then she yelled out loud, "Where are my flowers?"

Grimmjow stops and turns around, "What?"

"My flowers." Y/n walks a little closer so she doesn't have to yell. "I didn't get any today."

"I didn't send you flowers Y/n..." His tone hurts a bit. "Bye."

Grimmjow starts to turn around but Y/n grabs his drenched sleeve making him turn back around. "No! I know it was you. I just know it was." 

He looked at her with such emotion, Y/n took it as her opening. 

"Why is it so easy for you to walk away from me? Do you honestly not feel anything? I'm supposed to be the one to not give a shit about you, but you're all I can think about." She says the last part softly, the rain almost muffling her voice.

Grimmjow doesn't respond, he just looks at her wet pain-filled face, unable to come up with a response.

Y/n nods her head with her lips pressed together, "Alright Grimmjow." She lets go of his sleeve, "I get it now. You won't ever have to worry about me ever again, I'll leave you alone. Goodbye." Y/n started to walk away. 

"I thought they were annoying you." He finally speaks.

She turned around, "What?"

"I thought they would get annoying, I was sending them twice a week. I just thought I'd stop for a while." He steps closer pulling his hood down, "It was never easy to walk away from you Y/n, but I knew it had to be done."

Y/n's eyebrows flinch a little, asking him why without speaking a word.

"I did it because I was an asshole to you. I wasn't enough. I hated not being able to speak to you, I had to get a new phone cause everyday I would start to ring or text you. When I knew I shouldn't."

Y/n stood still, looking down at her feet watching her shoes become full with water. Her eyes started to tear up listening to him. "I don't believe you." Her voice cracks emotionally.

"Why do you think I didn't have your number? I left everything behind, just to try and get away from you. Because on my own, I couldn't do it. I just couldn't stay away."

Grimmjow x reader CHEATER EDITIONWhere stories live. Discover now