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Later on, Y/n drank more and more Vodka. Straight vodka, and did something stupid.

"H-hey Nel, can I talk t-to you?

"Sure, what's on your mind love?" Nel smiled, her smile dissipated as tears filled Y/n's eyes. "Why are you crying?"

"I-I was fucking your boyfriend, the nights he w-wasn't with you... he w-was with me. I couldn't keep it a secret anymore."


"I'm sorry Nel, you can kill me if you want." Y/n hung her head at her admission.

Nel flicked Y/n's chin back up with a finger, "I'm not gonna kill you." She giggled. "We weren't much of a relationship anyway. It was purely one-sided, I was being a bitch to him."

"W-what?" Y/n sniffled.

"Stop crying." She smiled. "Besides, when he dumped me, he said something about becoming a better person for somebody. I noticed you guys hanging out a lot more, I mean I'm not that slow." She laughed, "I thought he meant becoming better for you. Cause you confirmed, the sex is ass. He's a dick too, so he could definitely be better for you."

Y/n is beyond shocked at Nel, while her tears ran down the sides of her cheeks she smiled wiping them away, "Yeah, he is a dick."

"A total one, fuck that and fuck him." Nel said.

"Yeah, fuck him."

Nel pat Y/n on the back and smiled at her before walking off to join some of her friends. Y/n didn't really understand what just happened and she was really drunk so she doesn't even know if this really happened or not. Y/n walked out to the back where she felt like she could breathe without Grimmjow looking at her, she sat by the pool trailing her fingers in the water before hearing a girl giggle. Y/n turned around but didn't see anything in the shadowy area of the house, so she turned back. Again she heard the girl giggle, this time when she turned around she saw a shimmer of silver like a bracelet glimmer for a second within the shadow on the side of the house. She turned back trying not to pry on two people enjoying themselves until she heard the girl speak.

"Stop it Grimmjow." The girl giggles. "That tickles."

"It didn't tickle when I did it yesterday." He responds.

To Y/n's surprise, the kissing sounds and ass smacks weren't muffled by the music playing. It was like her hearing separated the music and enhanced the sounds made between Grimmjow and the random girl. The girl is heard moaning, Grimmjow is heard groaning and the sounds of fabric tearing are loud. Y/n is overwhelmed by emotions, the alcohol surging through her system isn't making it any better either. She almost fell into the pool trying to stand up, but her legs didn't work anymore. They felt numb, she had no idea where her phone was so she couldn't call her friends, and she felt completely alone. She hadn't eaten, so the alcohol went straight to her head. She's dizzy, drunk off her ass, and emotional. She confessed her heart out when she could've kept it a secret, her heart hurts and the one person she wants doesn't want her. She's got thoughts swarming her mind, her body feels hot, and she just wants to go home. She lays back on the ground, staring up at the stars. Her vision starts getting blurry from the tears building up, they fall from the corners of her eyes, and then the emotions just pour.

"I-I... I fucking h-hate you. I hate you Grimmjow. Hate!" She cried.

Y/n ended up crying herself to sleep out on the ground by the pool, the air got colder and colder as the temperature dropped down. People started to go inside when they got chilly, but left Y/n passed out on the ground. Grimmjow had no idea that Y/n was outside, he was shocked when he came out of the shadows. He tapped the girl on her ass and she skipped forward looking back at him smiling. He noticed there was nobody left out by the pool, and had to do a double take when he realized the girl he was about to leave with her foot dangling in the icy pool water was Y/n.

Grimmjow x reader CHEATER EDITIONWhere stories live. Discover now