26 (Lemon)

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Y/n is walking through her door, kicking off her shoes. Grimmjow hasn't arrived yet and she is a little hungry, she grabs a bag of Cheeto puffs from the cupboard and flicks on the TV as she leans back on the dining table near her. She takes the dress off, changes her panties cause they're full of him, and puts on a big shirt. About thirty minutes in, she gets a text from Grimmjow that reads "Unlock the door." She smiles chewing the final Cheeto and texts back "It's unlocked."

Y/n grabs a water bottle and swishes the water for a bit to make sure she doesn't have orange in between her teeth (and or braces if you have them) and rids her fingers of any Cheeto dust. She gets back into the TV show she's watching, it's Business Proposal. She's laughing and cheesing, forgetting that she's waiting for him to come over. Grimmjow opens the door and closes it behind him. Y/n peels her eyes from the TV and looks at him, she walks toward him, his eyes looking hungry but he looks more composed than he was when they were in the office. Grimmjow is still for a second, then scoops her up.

 Grimmjow is still for a second, then scoops her up

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His lips engulfed hers, and when he felt her become more passionate than he was, he pulled away. Her eyes slowly opened, and she gazed into his eyes, the deep electric sparkling blue they were. He started to form a sardonic grin, Y/n took a deep breath and rolled her eyes trying to get down and out of his grasp.

"Where do you think you're goin?" he said gripping her tighter.

"Put me down." She smiled downward trying to hold back.

"I'll put you down when I want to."

She nibbled at her bottom lip and was unable to meet his eyes any longer. Her eyelids bounced every time her eyes moved while scanning his features, his lashes following the bounce of her eyelids. He had the perfect curve to his nose, and his jawline was impeccable.

"What are you lookin at?" He asked. "You know what I look like already."

"Yeah, but that doesn't mean I can't look at you some more."

She gazes back into his eyes, but this time his look is different

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She gazes back into his eyes, but this time his look is different. His eyes were so lustful, just so full of absolute lust and desire, it gave her goosebumps and the chills. Grimmjow carries her to the couch and runs his nose against the skin of her neck. She shivers again and lets out a moan, her eyes slowly close and her mouth slowly becomes agape. His warm hands travel and rub against her thigh, then her hips. She squeezes her thighs around him, moaning more and more. He kisses her again, her moans start to get louder. He sits beside her and slides her over his lap. She wiggles her ass in front of him for a bit, he grips her cheeks with such force it caused her to yelp. Grimmjow lifts her shirt revealing her perfect ass and panties. He noticed the dark color of the panties sitting where her entrance would be, and he smirked again. "What?" She asked.

Grimmjow x reader CHEATER EDITIONWhere stories live. Discover now