9 (Lemon)

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It's 3:54 AM, and Shuhei made her some waffles and hash browns. "Shuhei, this really isn't necessary. I could literally just go home.. Plus I kinda feel gross."

"So go shower." He says cutting her waffle.

"But I have no clothes, I feel like an inconvenience. I should just go home."

He chuckles and shakes his head, "No babe. Wear my clothes. Go ahead, shower."

Y/n was about to decline his offer when her phone buzzed. She closes her mouth and looks at the phone. "I'm gonna be on the balcony, I gotta take this."

Shuhei nods while Y/n runs to the balcony sliding the door open and answering while closing it behind her. "Grimmjow?"

"Where are you at?"

"Well hi, I'm doing well what about yourself?" Y/n says sarcastically.

"I'm not playing with you, where the hell are you at?"

"I'm at my friend's house, why?"

"Is it that dude you got in the car with?" He questions.

Y/n leans over the balcony. "Why?"

"Send me his address, now."

"Aha excuse me?"

"You heard what I said. Send it."

"I'm not going home, I don't need a ride. He will take me when he's ready."

"Y/n..." Grimmjow sighs, "Either you send it to me or I will find it myself and carry you out."

"Okay, fine."

Y/n goes back inside, "What's up babe?" Shuhei says. Y/n looks at the phone and disconnects the call. 

"Nothing serious, my friend is gonna come get me. She's freakin out." She lies.

"Alright, lemme walk you out."

"You don't have to go all the way out, just get me to the elevator and I'm fine." She smiles.

"Alright, whatever you want love."

Shuhei did just that and gave her a nice kiss before watching the elevator doors close and going back to his suite. Y/n sighs in the elevator looking at her phone. Grimmjow texted, and he was right outside. Y/n gets in the car, and he's silent for a moment as he drives away. "He sounds like a cuck."

Y/n scoffs, "Jesus Grimm."

"Just stating the obvious. What's his name anyway?"

"It's Shuhei." She rolls her eyes.

"Yeah, definitely a cuck."

"Can you stop?"

"Not while you got other men callin you 'babe'." He grips the steering wheel. "That's my name for you."

"What's it to you Grimmjow?" Y/n stares out the window.

"That pussy is mine. That's what it is to me."

Y/n turns toward him cocking her head back, "Excuse you?"

"You're excused. It's alright, I'll look past it this once if you go back to being my personal porn star."

"Y-your what?"

"You heard what I said. You're out here slutting randoms and shit."

"And what are you doing? Probably the same shit I'm doing."

"What I'm doing is none of your concern." Grimmjow says.

"Shit, ditto." Y/n looks at her nails.

"Shut up before I put my dick down your throat." He looks over at her.

Grimmjow x reader CHEATER EDITIONWhere stories live. Discover now