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"Grimmjow, I wanna stay home. I'm kinda tired."

"Nobody told you to stay up all night teasing and milking me dry. Now come here."

Y/n picked an outfit according to his liking today. She looked cute. Grimmjow wanted to go to the mall, he didn't want to buy anything but Y/n didn't know that. He just wanted to go out somewhere public where he could go through with his plan.

"Come here and put these on." He kneeled to help her put panties on and before pulling them up, he took something from the front pouch of the fabric, "Relax." He pops something inside of her, this makes her jump and yelp.

"Grimmjow, what the fuck was that?" She starts to reach down but he grabs her hand.

"Don't touch it until I say you can. It's perfectly fine right where it is."

"But... what is it?" She asks.

"Never you mind, you shouldn't feel anything. Put your pant on and lets go."

She sighs, "Bossy today aren't we." She rolls her eyes putting her pants on. "Is this okay?"

 "Is this okay?"

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"You look..." His hands travel, "Fine as hell." He puts his hands in his pockets and makes for the door. "Let's go."

Grimmjow's outside first, his tone was soft when he spoke to Y/n before leaving but now it's hostile. "Y/n? Who the fuck is sending your flowers?"

"What? I dunno. What does it say on it?" She flies outside.

"Why are you answering my question with a question? Answer me."

"Grimmjow, I don't know. Try and find a damn card." She says looking at it.

"I'm not touching that shit."

Y/n groans, "You're so difficult, move." 

She searches the box of flowers, "Oh my gosh, they're beautiful." She says moving them about. The box is wet from the rain the night before and it's starting to disintegrate in her hands, no card or note was left, but Y/n has a pretty good feeling of where they came from.

"What does it say?"

"It doesn't have anything indicating who it came from, but they're beautiful."

"Shut up." 

Y/n tries to grab what's left of the box and roses and bring them inside.

"What the hell are you doing?"

"I'm going to bring them inside, the box is ruined but I have a vase-" 

"No, hell no." He slaps them out of her hands, "You're gonna leave that shit right the fuck there."

"Grimmjow, stop being an asshole."

"What? Somebody other than me sent you flowers, what the fuck? Leave that shit there and come on." He starts walking toward the elevator, Y/n looks back at the flowers and torn up box on the ground before his voice echos down the hallway, "What did I say?" She sucked her teeth and exhaled in an aggravated manor before following him. 

Grimmjow x reader CHEATER EDITIONWhere stories live. Discover now