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Y/n took herself out for lunch the next day, grabbing a piping hot delicious bowl of Ramen.

Y/n took herself out for lunch the next day, grabbing a piping hot delicious bowl of Ramen

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She ate some and poked around some, thinking of yesterday. How she heard his voice, and it soothed her surprisingly. She'd been thinking about him a lot more now. It's driving her insane, and she hates it but can't help it.

"Thanks." A voice says.

Y/n's head shoots up from her bowl, there's only one person who sounds like that. She sees Grimmjow sitting a few booths down and on the opposite side of her. She tries to pay him no mind, trying to eat her food but she can't help but look every so often. He's writing in a book it looks like, he has two with him. One looks like a planner and the other a different type of book she's never seen before. The waitress is flirting with Grimmjow as he orders his food, Y/n fucks up and drops her chopsticks on the table. Usually, this wouldn't bother anybody but for some reason, they sounded particularly loud. Y/n fumbles to pick them back up and stop them from making noise, then she looks away and scratches her forehead covering her face to make it hard for anybody to see her. The booths are pretty tall, so she can easily duck her head when she needs to.

The waitress takes his cold shoulder as a sign, she puts his food in and leaves him alone. Grimmjow's phone starts ringing as the woman walks away, "Hello?" He answers.

"Yeah I'm grabbing lunch." Then he becomes very serious, "She going into labor now? Like right now? Alright I'm coming now."

Grimmjow get's up and leaves sprinting to his car still on the phone.

"Did he get somebody pregnant and they're about to... have a kid?" Y/n thought to herself. She put her hand on her head, the waitress comes back with a sandwich and some finger foods.

"Aw man, he's gone." the woman says.

"Ma'am? You can add it to my check and box it up."

The waitress nods and goes to get a box, Y/n takes another bite of her food and gets up to check his food out. He left one of the books he was writing in. Y/n still remembers where he lives but did she want to go there is the question. She thought about it as the waitress came back with the box, thinking it'd be the right thing to do and get a little selfish gain out of it.

 She thought about it as the waitress came back with the box, thinking it'd be the right thing to do and get a little selfish gain out of it

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Grimmjow x reader CHEATER EDITIONWhere stories live. Discover now