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The next morning, she used extra effort to open her eyes as they were lightly crusted shut. She rubs them, jolting up and looking around. Feeling the pain slowly fade in on her body moments later. Her wrists are sore as she rolls them around, her center completely torn up, her stomach in knots, her legs unable to host her, and her head thumping in the worst pain. She feels a comforting warmth near, Grimmjow's still passed out next to her. She tried to stand up, giving her legs time to prepare and adjust. When successful, she walked to the bathroom and ran a shower.

She spent a while in the shower, creating a big cloud of mist and steam

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She spent a while in the shower, creating a big cloud of mist and steam. Humming to herself in delight at the hot water hitting her skin drawing out and replenishing moisture.

"I'm gonna be soar for the next fucking week, everything hurts... Ugh." She said to herself.

"I'm sorry." Grimmjow says.

Y/n jumped a bit, "Oh my gosh, you scared the shit outta me. When did you get in here?" She's wiping the shower door trying to look at him.

"Just now, you've got it cloudier than 9/11 in here."

"That's... not funny." She says.

"Then why do I feel like you wanna laugh?"

"Cause I do, but.. Anyway, get out."

"Why?" He asks.

"Cause I'm trying to shower."

"I'm tryna pee." He replied.

It was silent for a minute until he flushed the toilet. Then the shower door opened, when Y/n looked, he was naked.

"Nope, nope my shower. I wanna wash without you trying to fuck me. I'm not going for it."

"I won't baby, I know you're sore." 

Grimmjow sounded convincing as he stepped in but he was lying.

Y/n gets back into bed with her robe on, she just wanted to lay there for a moment until she had to get up to eat breakfast

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Y/n gets back into bed with her robe on, she just wanted to lay there for a moment until she had to get up to eat breakfast. Grimmjow laid down beside her drifting off, and she smiled until she started to drift. Then her phone buzzed like crazy on the nightstand, she sucked her teeth and groaned grabbing the phone and sitting up quickly.

Grimmjow x reader CHEATER EDITIONWhere stories live. Discover now