16 (Lemon)

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It's been a little over a week since everything unfolded at the club with Grimmjow and the contest. Y/n hadn't thought about him since then, she had been seeing Shuhei. They've been hanging out and surprisingly it wasn't all about sex. Shuhei was hanging around the group with Y/n and the chemistry was pretty nice, she hadn't seen Grimmjow around at all. Nel would sometimes come around, smile a bit, and then lose her enthusiasm, and then go home. Probably taking that breakup hard.

That morning, Y/n woke up with a slight hangover. She had been out drinking with Shuhei and played beer pong, it was straight vodka. She rolled out of bed, took a shower, and slumped her way to the kitchen making a cute cup of coffee.

 She rolled out of bed, took a shower, and slumped her way to the kitchen making a cute cup of coffee

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She took a sip and instantly felt a little better, she sighed and leaned over the counter. She turned on the TV and sat on the couch, she spilled a little coffee on her white shirt. It was bigger than she was with long sleeves, it hung off her shoulder and draped her figure perfectly, it was the best $20 she had ever spent yesterday.

 It was bigger than she was with long sleeves, it hung off her shoulder and draped her figure perfectly, it was the best $20 she had ever spent yesterday

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Just as she took her second sip, there was a knock at the door. She put down her cup and looked out the peephole, thinking it was Rukia and Orihime checking up on her or something. Looking out the peephole, it indeed was not either of the names she mentioned. She groaned while opening the door, opening it just enough to peep her head out.

"You left somethin?" She said.

"Nah, I just wanted to check on you. Haven't seen you in a while pet." Grimmjow says.

"I'm alright, no need." She started to close the door, Grimm put his hand out to stop the door from closing. Y/n sighed, "Look I'm busy, what else do you want?"

"You got somebody else in there?"

Y/n scoffed, "That's none of your business."

"I'm serious."

"So am I." She said looking past him.

"Can I say that I missed you?"

"You didn't miss shit. You only came around cause you wanna be nosey and see if I slept Shuhei."

"Well, did you?" He asked.

"That's not your business." She laughed.

"So you did.." He crossed his arms.

Grimmjow x reader CHEATER EDITIONWhere stories live. Discover now