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The next morning, Y/n woke up and the bed was empty. She stretched when she got up and went to the bathroom to wake up and clean herself up. She came out to see Shuhei watching a football game with a plate in hand munching away. She sat next to him, and he smiled. He leaned over and kissed her forehead.

"Hey love, you hungry?" Shuhei asked.

"Not really, what are you doin out here?"

"I wanted you to sleep, you had a rough night."

"I honestly don't remember most of it, I remember..." Y/n trails off as she remembers sleeping with Grimmjow for the last time. "Um... I remember being pissed the hell off with Grimmjow and then I was sitting by the pool... I... remember feeling grass and pavement? And then... You." She looks up at him.

"Memory is a bit patchy hmm?"

"I'm making some of it patchy to be honest, a part of it I do not wanna remember."

"I understand, what about after you passed out on the ground? Why were you even out there in the first place?"

"I dunno. I wanted fresh air after..." She gasped, "Nel! I talked to her, or I think I did."

"You did." Shuhei confirmed. "If you're asking yourself if you told her... You did."

"How do you know?"

"Cause she asked me to confirm it."

"She what?" Y/n said in shock.

"She asked me if I knew you were fucking her ex. I told her I didn't know what she was talking about and didn't know you two had chemistry." He picked at his food. "I knew, it was just none of my business and I didn't want to start anything."

"I appreciate it Shuhei... Wait a minute, you knew?"

"Of course I knew. You guys didn't really hide it as well as you thought you did."

"I cannot believe I told Nel, what the fuck was I thinking? She could've killed me."

"You were drunk, really drunk."

"Oh nooo. Did I do something else?"

"Nothing out of the ordinary besides be out in the cold laying on the ground."

"I just remember being by the pool and thinking of how much I hated him, I don't remember much except for being here." She said.

"You remember getting into bed with me right?" He jokes.

"Yes I remember that, and thank you for letting me stay."

"Of course. So you don't remember telling him you hated him, saying you wanted to die and choosing me over him?"

Y/n put her hand over her mouth, "I what?"

"You were crying when I got to you and you cried the whole way over here."

"What else happened?" She asked.

Shuhei broke down what he saw when he got outside, Y/n sat in shock at her actions vowing to never get that drunk ever again. She was embarrassed, depressed, and felt pathetic. Everything sank in as she heard it unfold, knowing Shuhei wouldn't lie to her. She knew that this really was how she was acting.

"Was anybody else outside? Like my friends or anybody else?" She asked.

"No, it was freezing outside. So everybody went in when it started getting cold, all you had on was that thin dress so I don't know how you weren't cold."

"I guess it was the alcohol. I'm so embarrassed." She put her hand on her forehead.

"Embarrassed of what? You were vulnerable and you got taken advantage of. All we can do when that happens is learn from it and try not to repeat history." He smiled.

Grimmjow x reader CHEATER EDITIONWhere stories live. Discover now