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Walking around the mall grabbing the lewdest of clothing for Rukia, Y/n couldn't help but constantly find herself thinking about Grimmjow. She kind of wanted the plans to fly by so she could go get back in bed with him. She stood daydreaming about how she was running her fingers through his hair, and how he praised her for it. How he drifted to sleep in between her legs and how she felt such bliss during it.

Rukia snaps her fingers at Y/n, "Helloooooooo earth to Y/n, are you even listening?"

"Hm? I'm sorry what?"

"Jeez, you're worse than Renji. Never paying attention when I need you to."

"I'm sorry, what did you need?" She says with a smile.

"Tell me something, this dress? Or this one?" 

"Which dress are you leaning toward?" Y/n asks.

"This one." Rukia replies.

"Well what dress will make Renji nut in his pants?" Y/n asks

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"Well what dress will make Renji nut in his pants?" Y/n asks.

"Mm this one."

"Damn Rukia, I'd honestly just get both

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"Damn Rukia, I'd honestly just get both." She chuckles.

"Should I?"

"You should."

"Alright then! Let's go." Rukai smiles.

"Oh, I meant to tell you... So I know you wanna go get dinner right?" Y/n asks.

"Yeah, why? You cancelling?"

"No, no. It's just that Shuhei wants to eat dinner too so I'm trying to kill two birds with one stone, you know?"

"Oh that hottie with the dark grey eyes?"

"Yeah, that's the one." Y/n smiles.

"Yeah he can tag along." 

"Ugh I love you."

"I gotcha." Rukia smiles.

After another hour of shopping and the girls are done, they're heading to the restaurant that Y/n picked out. Shuhei was already there, he stood up when he saw the girls walk in towards the table. Hugging Rukia, and Y/n. He popped a kiss on Y/n's lips drawing her in for another hug and said "Why are you torturing me with this outfit?" Y/n backed away sitting next to Rukia giggling. They ordered food, got a few drinks, and enjoyed each other's company.

Grimmjow x reader CHEATER EDITIONWhere stories live. Discover now