12 (Lemon)

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Grimmjow was tossing his clothes back on and had the door open before pulling out his phone. Y/n leaned on the door looking conflicted. "Grimmy, can I tell you something?"

"S-" He was paused by his phone ring.

"I can't-" She started but he interrupted. 

"I gotta go and take this call, I've been waiting on it. Can you tell me later?"

"I-I guess so."

Grimmjow kissed her forehead and left for the elevator answering the phone. Y/n watched as he walked down the hall and spoke out loud about what she wanted to tell him, "I can't play your girlfriend when you already have one..." She said it low and full of emotion, then looked down at her feet and walked back inside her loft. Y/n got a major headache as she plonked on the couch groaning to herself, "Mannnnn. What the fuck did I get myself into?"

A few hours went by, and Y/n decided to call Grimmjow

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A few hours went by, and Y/n decided to call Grimmjow. She collected her thoughts and found what she wanted to tell him.

"Hello?" He answered.

"Hi, uh can I tell you something? It's important." She said lowly.

"Yeah go ahead, wait Nel damn. I'm on the phone."

Y/n can hear Nel saying some stuff she wish she could tell Grimmjow, but he's swatting her away.

"I um, I don't think you should come over tonight. I just think we should keep it down to sex and sex only... Like how we said."

"Okay, I'll see you later."

The call disconnects. Y/n looked at the phone. "What... Just happened?" She asked herself. "Did he not hear a fucking word I said?" She asked. Later on, Grimmjow came by, and Y/n didn't answer the door. Nor did she answer the phone. After a little, he stopped calling and stopped coming by. A week flew by before the trip to French Polynesia, with no word from him.

Y/n went through the day and finished her last class, and it's winter break time! She's a little worried because she agreed to go on that damn trip. She thought about calling Grimmjow, calling it off, and staying home. She got home and ate something. As soon as she picked up her phone, there was a bunch of banging at her door. She opens the door, and it's the girls.

"Hey!" Orihime says walking in.

"Hi! Are you packed yet?" Rukia asks and then both girls walk in.

"Sure.. Come right in." Y/n says sarcastically while closing the door.

Y/n turns around, "You guys I don't-"

Rukia has a flight ticket in her hand pointed at Y/n's face. "Grimmjow told me to give this to you, I wanna know why he didn't give it to you himself." She puts her hands on her hips.

"I don't know. I haven't spoken to him in a week. I haven't been answering his calls or anything." Y/n pulls out a suitcase and opens it.

"Why's that ma'am?" Orihime asked.

Grimmjow x reader CHEATER EDITIONWhere stories live. Discover now