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"Grimmy I can't anymore, please." She rolled over closing her eyes.

"I guess we can stop for the day."

"No, for the next two weeks." Y/n's face is peppered with sweat, she wants nothing more than a relaxing soak with the jets on in the jetted tub.

"Naw I can't go that long without you." He sits up, "You're crazy."

"Let's not talk about crazy." She says lifting herself up.

"Good, cause that's exactly what you are."

Y/n narrows her eyes at him, "I actually have some stuff to brush up on for class."

"Do you need help?"

"No, I think I got it."

"Good, cause I'm gonna nap."

"In my bed? Don't you have your own bed?" She jokes.

"Yeah, but in this one I have you."

She laughs, throwing on a pink chamise.

"If you come back, come back without that on

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"If you come back, come back without that on." He jokes as he lays back down.

She ignores him smiling on her way out to the living room where her backpack was with her work. She checked the notes that Orihime lent her and made sure they coincided with her notes. After a couple of hours, Y/n was still reviewing her notes. Grimmjow has left and Y/n was finally enjoying the much-needed down time. She decided to give Orihime a call and thank her for the notes.


"Hi Orihime! Thanks so much for the notes, I feel so much better about this damn exam coming up now."

"Oh! You're welcome. I'm glad I could help, did you enjoy the party the other night?"

"I did! You know how to throw them."

"I tried- Wha- Okay. Y/n, Rukia wants to talk to you hold on."


"Hiii." Rukia says loudly.

"Hey, what's goin on over there?"

"We're actually up the road from you at a restaurant."

"Oh? And I got no invite? What lovely friends I have." Y/n joked.

"Well, Nel invited us out and she invited you too. We kinda just got here."

"Why's she inviting me?" Y/n questions.

"I dunno, but come out! We just got here, throw something on."

"I-I don't know, isn't that weird?" 

"She said she couldn't invite you personally cause she doesn't have your number." Rukia replies.

"Her boyfriend does." Y/n said under her breath.

"I'm gonna pretend like I didn't hear that. But come out okay? Okay byeeee!"

Grimmjow x reader CHEATER EDITIONWhere stories live. Discover now