31 (Lemon)

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The next morning, Y/n wakes up alone. She rubs her eyes and sits up, her back kills and legs so sore not to mention her pussy aching as well. She was naked under the blankets, she stood up a little dizzy and grabbed a shirt that was thrown on top of the dresser. It smelled just like him and the scent awoke her even more. She went into the bathroom to pee, woke her face a bit more with a washcloth and some water, and went out to the living room where she heard an unfamiliar voice followed by the TV. Out on the couch was Grimmjow facing the TV, on the left of the view was a man with long brown hair, a chiseled face, and a lanky figure. Y/n hugged the wall, thinking maybe the TV was just louder than usual. She tried not to be seen and backed up into the room, but the guest had already seen her.

"Yeah you would think that the bucks would actually win someth- Oh." The man said intrigued as he caught eye of Y/n, "Grimm, you didn't say she was that gorgeous." The man licked his lips as he looked Y/n up and down.

"What?" Grimmjow turned around catching eye of Y/n in his clothing. His face dropped sort of, she knew what the look meant. 

The man stood up grabbing his jacket, "Alright I'll bounce since your lady is up. I'll catch you later."

"Alright." Grimmjow said not even moving from his spot. 

The man winked at Y/n and added in a smirk. He made for the front door and disappeared. Y/n came out of the shadows, walking over to Grimmjow who was still in front of the TV. She sat next to him and looked him in the eye.

"Are you mad?" She asked.

"Nah, you didn't know he was here. But don't come out in that next time you hear another man in the house. I don't like when other's stare and drool over what's mine."

"I'm yours? I'm property? Do you own me?"

He turned his head, staring her straight in the eye and grabbing her chin. "Yes, every molecule that makes your being is owned by me. You are mine."

A smile drew its way across her face, she blushed and looked away coming out of his grasp. He put all his weight on her, laying her across the couch and wrapping her free leg over his hip. Grimmjow kissed her deeply, melting her body under his and rubbing his hand along her thigh squeezing the skin between his fingers.

 Grimmjow kissed her deeply, melting her body under his and rubbing his hand along her thigh squeezing the skin between his fingers

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Y/n pulled away, "Who was that?"

"Stark. He's a guy I know, texted me to come hang out for a bit."

"Wow and you said yes? Mr. Antisocial said yes? I'm impressed."

"I only did cause I know he has no friends." He said with a smack on her thigh.

"Oh you're a dick. Don't point out his flaws." She smirked.

"But you can point out mine?" 

This made Y/n laugh, she tossed her head back in laughter. To which Grimmjow took an opening to latch his lips onto her neck. Y/n let out a small moan as it started to feel too good. His warm lips and exhale hit her skin, giving her goosebumps upon the initial feel.

Grimmjow x reader CHEATER EDITIONWhere stories live. Discover now