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Walking into the spot, Y/n's got a weird feeling already. Her stomach is in knots and she already doesn't wanna be there but she's trying not to become a shut-in and have some fun. Rukia pulled her to the bar, they took two shots back to back. Y/n scrunched her face at the taste and exhaled as it burned going down. She got a glass of some mixed drink and waited for Rukia to get hers, just as she went to grab her glass somebody else's hand was reaching for it. A familiar hand.

"My fault." Says the familiar voice.

"It's okay." Y/n grabs her drink and pulls it toward her facing another way. "Grimmjow..."

"Y/n... Congrats."

"Thanks." She doesn't even bother to look at him, but can hear him louder than she can hear the music.

Her plain thanks cut him, and he walked away. Y/n thought he'd be standing there still, she looked over just to make sure but couldn't see him. She exhaled and tossed back the drink that was in her cup. Her heart felt heavy, her heartbeat louder and faster as she overthought about the possibilities of where he could be lingering around the party. She looked as if in a daydream state, not paying attention. Everything grew quiet as she replayed the glimpse of him in her head.


"Huh? What?" Y/n looks at Rukia.

"Did you see him? He was just next to you."

"Oh uh, yeah kinda but I didn't pay him any mind. I'm fine, honestly."

The night seemed to drag, party was okay but Y/n felt like she was being stared at by him from somewhere. Everywhere she looked he was nowhere in sight. Finally, she couldn't take it anymore and told Rukia she was leaving. She called Shuhei, and he took her to get some food.

 She called Shuhei, and he took her to get some food

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"Is it good?" He asks.

"Oh my days, it's so good. It's Waffle House, it's always good."

"Good point." He chuckled. "How was your night?"

"Eh. Alright, honestly could've been better."

"What would've made it better?"

"Me going home with Grimmjow." She said in her head. "Oh I dunno, maybe you there with me." She said aloud.

"Alright listen, don't guilt trip me okay?" He smiled.

Y/n pokes at her waffle and makes a face.

"Are you alright?" He asks.

"I'm okay... It's just... I saw him. It was like we didn't even know each other." Like he wasn't just in my guts. "It was a odd short experience." Like he didn't have his hands wrapped around my throat while he fucked the shit out of me. "And I didn't like it." Like he wasn't obsessed with my lips at one point in time.

With each sentence she spoke, she thought to herself about how and why they got to that point. It was almost like Grimmjow was so obsessed with her, and now it's like they are complete and total strangers.

Grimmjow x reader CHEATER EDITIONWhere stories live. Discover now